Happy 17th Birthday!
I hope you've been enjoying yourself and getting lots of nice presents.

Thanks a lot!
It's been a good day, got 200 bucks and i'm going out for dinner later

I also didn't get birthday beats this year lol, my friends know that if they hit me, I'm gonna punch em right back

wooties-os dude. Sorry I've been busy all day, else case I would have commented sooner.
Live it up like you're at the hotel calafornia >.<
Have a good one

Happy birthday man!
Birthday beatings?? Weird americans!

happy birthday!...o birthday beatings are fun, kinda, but my birthday fell on a soccer match one year and my team beat me for 16 sec as i was turning 16. anyways i suggest you enjoy yourself now and get into as much trouble as you can cuz things kinda change when you hit 18 and get out of high school