Ok, I've been using this forum a lot lately to ask for help & once again I return with Torrent questions you've probably all heard.
ok, I know how to d/l & seed torrents, that's pretty much all. With that in mind I've found a few problems I need help with.
As extra information, I must add that I think my isp doesn't like all the data transfers, because at certain times if I transfer too much data within a certain time the connection get kicked everytime I start up a torrent & it hit 20kbs up & 20 kbs down.
Is this really an angery ISP? That's the only thing I can think of to explain why it kicks the conenction for 3-5 minutes.
I am a memeber of Underground-gamer. To stay a memeber I must upload/seed a certain amount to keep my ratio in a certain range. Lately I've been having problems uploading. I don't know if it's some sort of retarded upload speed cap or what, but sometimes if I have msn open I can only upload at 3 kbs, anything higher & it kicks my connection to the tracker (I use bittornado by the way).
Some days/hours I can upload at 20kbs easily.
Normally whenver I'm downloading the upload rate is stable, but once the download finishes the uploading gets real shakey.
To this I must add that I'm un-connectible, but that shouldn't effect my uploading to others who are, right?
I've tried using Azureus, but everytime I tell it to start a torrent I can't use a browser & msn goes dead on me. Plus, it won't log into the tracker U-G uses for some reason, but I got it to seed a CD from mininova. Why is it I lose all other activity when I start one torrent?
I know this is a lot of stuff to be asking, but pretty much I'm fed up with starting a torrent to seed, having it seed at 3 kbs (where I cap the speed) only to have it bump up to 4kbs & disconnect.. or just disconnect for no reason.
Thanks for any help anyone can give me. And if you know a better client than BitTornado that doesn't make my computer all crazy like please do share.
ISP's sometimes throtle certain known bittorent ports but if they do it after a few minutes that seems a bit fast.
As far as uploading goes, this can be a wide range of things. First check your maximum number of connections per torrent. This shouldn't be unlimited. The lower you put it, the less system recources it uses. Try it with 60 or 40 connections. The times you can upload with 20k/b are probably when there are not alot of seeders so you won't have hundreds of open connections.
If this doesn't help, fiddle with the settings and ports. Read your sites faq and help topics, maybe they have a set port range and kick anything other than those ports.
I don't know about your pc specs but if its an real oldie than it might have trouble running bittorent. Certainly azureus which uses a pretty big chunk since its java based.
elcoholic Wrote:ISP's sometimes throtle certain known bittorent ports but if they do it after a few minutes that seems a bit fast.
As far as uploading goes, this can be a wide range of things. First check your maximum number of connections per torrent. This shouldn't be unlimited. The lower you put it, the less system recources it uses. Try it with 60 or 40 connections. The times you can upload with 20k/b are probably when there are not alot of seeders so you won't have hundreds of open connections.
If this doesn't help, fiddle with the settings and ports. Read your sites faq and help topics, maybe they have a set port range and kick anything other than those ports.
I don't know about your pc specs but if its an real oldie than it might have trouble running bittorent. Certainly azureus which uses a pretty big chunk since its java based.
Yeah, I've seen the list of throttled ports 7 the site suggests using a range from some odd number to another, but I set my client to use those numbers & it didn't make much of a difference. Part of the problems could be linked to a problem I'm having with the client. If I open a torrent the client tells me there's an error, something about to many arguements.
So I have to open the client then the torrent.
As for uploads, at the speed I use for 20kbs uploads I think the max uploads is 4.
It's jsut I'll be seeing the peers, then bam, they'll disappear.
I think I'm going to reset my port range though in hopes that that ight help.
I think my dad is abut to tell me to stop with all the torrents though. If I have a single torrent going at 3 kbs he can barely get his computer to go anywhere, due to the fact that for some reason my computer sucks up all the banwidth..not like I'm complaining
Thanks man.
for one you need to cap your max upload speeds to probably ~ 75% of your upload as tcp you gotta to send a ack packet to recieve another so if your upload is capped then it can't send them out and you won't recive data that fast. If you ISP is throttling your speeds then get some of the newer clients that does a small / quick encryption on the datastream this prevents them from "detecting" the torrent protocal and they can't throttle your connect as they do not know what type of data is being transmitting. I know Azerous the new one does but i can't think of the original i think BitComet or something started it.
I asked a friend of mine who's really, really into computers, about your problem and here is what he wrote:
Quote:well if you ONLY have this problem with torrents (for example, if you can upload a file to a ftp server and download something off the net and use msn while you're doing it) then it's a "torrent-related problem".
a lot of isp's are now banning torrent traffic so that could be a problem... solution? there are proxys.. but I don't avise it. The other solution is a side project that's being built in azureus. It now allows to encrypt torrent traffic, thus the isp's can't distinguish if it's torrent-traffic or not.
I don't know the details cause I don't have that problem, you should look into that I guess...
You didn't specify your connection settings so I can't make any calculations, but you should understand that a download needs some upload traffic. For example, i have 40Kb/s and 1100Kb/s, but if I download at 1100Kb/s it uses almost 25~35Kb/s. When i used to only have 15Kb/s upload, if I was downloading a torrent I could only put 5Kb/s upload, because a bigger value would mean a slower download. I mean, the download gets slow and the other network connections get slow too! (they are downloads and uploads after all...)
Now i have a wrt, wrt has builtin Traffic Shapping. You should use that.. it helps this situation (lets say it implements a smart queueing packet system). If you don't have a router that supports it (or use a direct connection) there are programs that implement it too. I remember for windows CfosSpeed (or something like that). Install it and see, follow the instructions and see what gives you best results... linux has traffic shapping in the kernel, if you use it look up in a howto or something. It involves (for easier implementation) using some scripts called wondershaper i think.
Another thing, all torrent programs are slow... i can't make a rule and i don't want to make assumptions about what makes them slow. Try them all, and see whatever suits you.. i heard good things about BitComet, but i use Azureus (linux and mac...). It isn't the king of speed (java based..) but it has a lot of feats i guess (web controled, i have a widget for the mac, etc etc)
hope this helps (altough the problems seems very weird...)
Well, here you have it. I suppose it's a bit messy but he always writes like that, regardless of the language. :p If you don't understand something just let me know. Hope it helps!

LOL its pretty much what i just said.. Just mine is shorter.. ;o)
Thanks you guys. I'll have to re-read over this sometime later when I'm not in a hurry. Gotta get to school right now -_-,
If anything I'd try out uTorrent or bitcommet as a client.
Schultz Wrote:LOL its pretty much what i just said.. Just mine is shorter.. ;o)
Yeah, you're right. I kind of just glanced at your post since I was in a hurry when I posted my previous post, so I didn't really pay attention to everything you wrote. I guess both posts complement each other so no harm done.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Yeah, you're right. I kind of just glanced at your post since I was in a hurry when I posted my previous post, so I didn't really pay attention to everything you wrote. I guess both posts complement each other so no harm done.
Aye can't have to much information !!!!
BitLord is an awesome client i used to tuse Bittornado but its soo ramm heavy and the java based azeureus which used to start good then mess my d/l with crc errors