Learning german in another country might not be so bad but go to a small town and try to speak to the natives, then its not so easy, there are about 40 different dialects.
I don't know if the same happens in the US, but it's just like that here as well. I mean, I don't understand a word of what people who live in the Island of Azores (it's part of the Portuguese territory) say. Really, it's like they speak a whole other language yet it's Portuguese. And although I've never been to England I had several different English teachers and I can tell you they all spoke in different dialects. It took me 2 weeks to get used to the way one of them talked.
geo85 Wrote:Learning german in another country might not be so bad but go to a small town and try to speak to the natives, then its not so easy, there are about 40 different dialects.
yeah, my dad's first language was german, but when we were in germany it was hard to understand some relatives cuz their dialects were so different lol. man i'm gone for a couple days and the topic jumps to languages, i love languages and grammar. i've learned spanish and german, though maybe not that well lol. but if i had to go to either country i think i'd be able to do ok, great after a while. that's really the best way to learn, to totally immerse yourself in the language. personally i found it much easier to learn german after i'd already learned spanish. i think it was cuz i had already learned a language, though it may just be that german was easy cuz it was so close to english and i grew up hearing my dad and his side of the family speak it. when i look at languages i see them all to be very similar. some rules are different but most are the same. they are all human languages and therefore all related.
It's not really the same thing. Pretty much everyone in the U.S. that was born here can understand each other fine, we just all talk a little differently. Now comparing people in the U.S. to say Britain is much different. Most are alright but some people are just so incredibly hard to understand it can be irritating.
Like I said, I don't exactly know how it is in the US because I've never been there but I grew up watching American movies and tv series and different accents were always pretty much understandable. In fact, I've never really noticed many different accents. But I do love the southern accent, it's so melodious!
By the way, can anybody tell me if there's anything particular about the way people from Chicago speak? 'Cause I met a group of American tourists once and they told me I sounded just like someone from Chicago. I've been wondering what they meant ever since. :confused:
Britains crazy for accents and stuff... England alone is crazy. Britain is sort of understandable seeing as each country had a different language. I live like 30mins from Wales and I can drive there and there accent will be weird and hard to understand (go even further and people speak Welsh). If you go 30 mins in the other way you're in Liverpool and the accent is totally different from anywhere else in the UK.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Like I said, I don't exactly know how it is in the US because I've never been there but I grew up watching American movies and tv series and different accents were always pretty much understandable. In fact, I've never really noticed many different accents. But I do love the southern accent, it's so melodious!
By the way, can anybody tell me if there's anything particular about the way people from Chicago speak? 'Cause I met a group of American tourists once and they told me I sounded just like someone from Chicago. I've been wondering what they meant ever since. :confused:
Weird I never noticed any difference in ho wpeople from Chicago talk and I've been there more times than I can count. Maybe It's because it's less than an hour drive from where I live who knows. I don't notice any difference betwee Chicago and anywhere else so I couldn't tell you what they mean.
gubi-gubi Wrote:Britains crazy for accents and stuff... England alone is crazy. Britain is sort of understandable seeing as each country had a different language. I live like 30mins from Wales and I can drive there and there accent will be weird and hard to understand (go even further and people speak Welsh). If you go 30 mins in the other way you're in Liverpool and the accent is totally different from anywhere else in the UK.
I play alot of project gotham 2 on xbox live and there are alot of brits on that game but none of them sound the same.
Yesterday I was playing with a guy from Cornwall and damn, I had to ask everything 3 times before I understood. British accents are the worst, way worse than German.
elcoholic Wrote:I play alot of project gotham 2 on xbox live and there are alot of brits on that game but none of them sound the same.
Yesterday I was playing with a guy from Cornwall and damn, I had to ask everything 3 times before I understood. British accents are the worst, way worse than German.
At least it breaks the stereotype of tea drinking posh Queens English speaking Brits... It's so annoying that. I didn't seem to mind in V for Vendetta though. I guess it matched the comic book style...
i watched this biography thing on tolkien, have you guys heard him talk? i couldnt' understand a damn thing he was saying! lol
British accents can be a pain to understand (not all) but they're certainly delicious.

i actualy found it easier understanding Engrish accents on my Travels than some British accents, darn some can be downright inconcievable im like "sorry can you repeat that"
BTW V for Vendetta indeed a Good Movie, though alittle flawed in my opinion
Wow just got back from Spain and I had first hand experience of how Americans can't understand different English accents! Went to see a friend who was studying in Seville and it ended up easyer to talk Spanish than English around Americans lol. I've got a sort of scouse liverpool accent and I guess I must talk too fast!
I finally got to see V for Vendetta in the theatre last night and I feel that it was an adequate adaption of the comic books. I'm definitely glad that I saw it on the big screen though. The cinematography was top notch.
The comic is still much better though.