I don't know how it is in the states but over here, I'm going crazy with tv shows.
What i'm talking about is the fucking text messaging and tv games. Example, with soccor matches you get interupted dozens of times with text on screen saying you can text for man of the match (costs, 0.70 eur.) and in the break you get the presentor say the same like 4 times in 5 minutes. With formula 1 you get text and presentor trying to make you participate in some insanely easy prize question. Then there's Idol's which rakes in 2 million with text messaging, giving away 1 whole car. In the afternoon's and at night when nobody is supposed to be watching we have like 6 out of ten channels displaying hot chicks with super easy questions trying to make you call in with the answer. Ofcourse 1 in 1000 people gets through. I could go on and on.
This just pisses me off. There seems to be no show that get aired without some kind of text messaging scam attached to it. I can't belive people keep falling for it.
So, is it that bad in other parts of the world aswell or are we unique in this?
It's nowhere near as bad here as it is there. As far as I can remember I've never seen that happen during any kind of tv show. That sort of game here is shown as publicity, among dozens of other tv ads. And since publicity is cheaper at night, the later the better, you only get to see them mostly after 1 am.
All I knw of like that would be MTV/Fuse's thing where you can text in music requests or just random comments to have scrolled across the screen. I've heard that little idiots get very stupid with their comments, but I never really watch tv, so I wouldn't know.
Batz Kage Wrote:All I knw of like that would be MTV/Fuse's thing where you can text in music requests or just random comments to have scrolled across the screen. I've heard that little idiots get very stupid with their comments, but I never really watch tv, so I wouldn't know.
Oh, we also have those random comments scrolled across the bottom of the screen. But it's only on some morning talk shows and on MTV (obviously). Comments here can get very stupid (and ridiculous) as well.
What pissed me off is those on screen tv station logos and adverts saying 'press the red button'. They take up half the screen and on some shows they cover up text you need to see on tv shows that were made by another channel that has their logo on the bottom or something... Don't know if you had the crazy frog crap in other parts of the world but here in the UK it was on EVERY channel on EVERY ad break... It was so annoying they tried to ban it but couldn't.
i don't really watch much tv lol. but when i do it's usually recorded and so i can fast forward through commercials :p
That would suck. Not sure i'd ever watch tv again if they did stuff like that everywhere. Only tv i really watch is cartoon network at night, comedy central and history channel randomly and 24 on fox.
I'd love to have comedy central. That's an awesome channel.
Its really bad over here. They have prize questions with everything. 24, CSI, sports, gameshows everything except talkshows. MTV and other music channels are covered with text from people chatting on the tv and weird matchmaking text games, order your favorite song etc.
Then from like 1 till 3 am you get 1 man shows with hot chicks asking: What's the word we are looking for: ". errari". Its red and goes fast. They only give away like 100 eur. per 30 minutes.
After 3 am its time for the porn sites to advertise for the rest of the night.
I hate tv. Its so obvious now that they just want to make money with everything and don't give a crap about quality.
i don't watch much tv, life is so much simpler with out it. Movies and anime is about the only thing i watch. My girlfriend loves american idol and insists on voting via text message for her favorite singers.
I do love TV though. I don't mean proper TV shows like Lost, Smallville etc (although I do love them) I mean the hundreds of totally forgetable trash TV shows. I can't help it I love them. I can sit infront of the TV and flick through all the channels and watch some random programming all day!
I totally forgot my other reason for hating tv. Reality shows! I hate them so bad. Stuff like survivor and the first big brother was cool but the crap that comes out in the wake of these shows is horrible. The worst example to date is Celebrity enema. Yup, you see celebrities go to the health spa and... I'm not even going to describe it.
In last years big brother we had a pregnant woman give birth on live tv after being in the house for 2 months.
So, help me revive this thread. What's your opinion on reality tv? I think its going a bit to far now.
elcoholic Wrote:I totally forgot my other reason for hating tv. Reality shows! I hate them so bad. Stuff like survivor and the first big brother was cool but the crap that comes out in the wake of these shows is horrible. The worst example to date is Celebrity enema. Yup, you see celebrities go to the health spa and... I'm not even going to describe it.
In last years big brother we had a pregnant woman give birth on live tv after being in the house for 2 months.
So, help me revive this thread. What's your opinion on reality tv? I think its going a bit to far now.
I love it and hate it at the same time. It's a guilty pleasure but I can't switch off. I don't know about the Netherlands (wasn't that where Big Brother started?) but in the UK it's got better and better and the ratings get higher and higher. It's probably the only real worthy reality show in the UK. There's loads of other crap I watch but I REALLY get into Big Brother... It takes up my whole life when it's on... and yes I am a sad sad little man.
elcoholic Wrote:I totally forgot my other reason for hating tv. Reality shows! I hate them so bad. Stuff like survivor and the first big brother was cool but the crap that comes out in the wake of these shows is horrible. The worst example to date is Celebrity enema. Yup, you see celebrities go to the health spa and... I'm not even going to describe it.
In last years big brother we had a pregnant woman give birth on live tv after being in the house for 2 months.
So, help me revive this thread. What's your opinion on reality tv? I think its going a bit to far now.
Celebrity enema?!! :eek: Damn, and I thought our reality shows were bad! Well, I guess they're bad because they got repetitive and I'm just not interested in other people's lives. In the beginning we had Big Brother and they exploited it to the point where nobody wanted to watch it. Then came Celebrity Big Brother, then a farm version, a military version and right now it's a circus version where celebrities who aren't even worthy of the name (who are they, really?) learn circus tricks. It's boring beyond comprehension. In the first farm version there was this really excentric, very odd guy that was quite amusing. The way he walked, talked, just like a little rich, spoiled girl, the fact that he actually wanted to be a girl and his notion that he was always right was quite hilarious. But then he started entering every single reality show and now he's not funny anymore.
I don't like reality shows. I find myself often wishing this would just pass and we could go back to a reality show free tv.
Aside from spongebob and yankee games I no longer watch any tv, not much point anymore.
TV isn't all that bad. there are some good shows on, like House for example!
i love that show!