When will these new perfect sets :
Elfen Lied
Requiem for the Darkness
ROD tv
Arrive at import-anime ? They seem to be out already, apparently...:confused:
The Swan Wrote:When will these new perfect sets :
Elfen Lied
Requiem for the Darkness
ROD tv
Arrive at import-anime ? They seem to be out already, apparently...:confused:
I doubt even JJ can tell you..
Yeah I was wondering the same thing... I also looking for these I anime to come out to: DearS, Burst Angel, Gilgamesh, Girl Bravo ( I have the movie not the anime), Divergence Eve, DN Angel, Madlax, and one i just saw on Comcast on damand Grantz.

these items are in stock in the store section
Is the Elfen Lied set and ROD tv set ezdvd originals or copies of some other set?
I received my ROD TV boxset by EzDVD and i'm really disappointed.
The first disc is DVD-9, perfect picture, no pixels, macroblocks, it's perfect.
But... The 2 last discs are DVD-5 and video is nearly worse than a TV-ripp.
DTS 5.1 both english and japanese, it's pretty too much with 9 eps on a DVD-9, then 8 eps on a DVD-5, i let you imagine how degraded is the video. :mad:
Is that ROD TV a EZDVD set or a MAC ???
If it's EZDVD i believe from your description that they probalby ripped the MAC set :confused:
But i'll wrote a review tomorrow.
hmmm really? Looks ok to me (although I do realise they are dvd-5 the quality seems ok) I haven't got round to watching the entire series but just looked at some episodes from disc 3 to see the quality and I didn't really notice any probs.
Did a quick screen-cap of a frame in disc one and a frame in disc two, can't really see any differences.
EZdvd Requiem for darkness is a rip of the MAC set :o
The Swan Wrote:EZdvd Requiem for darkness is a rip of the MAC set :o
That;s disappointing and a bad sign to say the least.
I also posted this at Arctic Nightfall
Elfen Lied subs on ep 5-7 are weird ... In Dialogue with more than 1 line only the 1st and top Dialogue line appears
Apparently from the review of Gundam Seed , there are also missing sub on it
What the hell is wrong with EZdvd subs ? Missing Subs , Out of Synch ...:confused: