Thanks for the info. I wonder when it will be available in the store...
I finished this series a couple of days ago and it really surprised me in a good way. I don't like hip-hop and I don't appreciate the culture that goes with it either and since I thought Samurai Champloo had a lot of that going on I didn't really expect to like it. Well, it has little or nothing to do with hip-hop/hip-hop culture, it's an awesome anime and the cherry on top of the cake for me is that it actually had a happy ending. It's been so long since I watched an anime that ended well that this one felt like a breath of fresh air.
Yeah Champloo is great. If your looking for a good anime to watch, may I suggest Beck. It's only subbed right now, but a quater of the show is in Engrish. If you like rock then this is a great anime.
I've got to pick up that champloo set soon. Have to how they did Baseball Blues in english.
YokoMaru Wrote:Yeah Champloo is great. If your looking for a good anime to watch, may I suggest Beck. It's only subbed right now, but a quater of the show is in Engrish. If you like rock then this is a great anime.
I've got to pick up that champloo set soon. Have to how they did Baseball Blues in english.
Ah, ah! Guess what? I'm watching Beck right now (well, not right now, now I'm typing :p )! After Champloo I watched the latest Mushishi (highly recommended) episodes available for download and then yesterday I started watching Beck. I didn't really know what it was about but since it's done by the same guys that did Paradise Kiss (highly recommended as well) I decided to give it a try. Although I've only watched 5 episodes so far I'm already enjoying it very much. While as far as art and animation goes Paradise Kiss and Beck are different in certain aspects, Paradise Kiss being far more stylized, they both deal with human relations and the tribulations of those who are trying to make it in the artistic world. Personaly, I like that. Plus, like you said, there's lots of rock in it and I love rock.
If you like series that deal with the music world (in this case rock/punk) I suggest you pick up Nana. So far only the manga and the live-action movie (you can download it
here, english subs
here), which was a mega hit throughout Asia, are available but the anime is scheduled to air in Japan on April 5th. Considering how extremely popular Nana is I'm certain some fansubbers' group will begin working on it right away.
Andromeda, you should check out the beck manga.. its better :-p but aside from that when is I-A gonna get champloo in stock :-D ??
Im not a fan of manga. Somehow a series like Beck should really be in anime form to enjoy it. You can't listen to music in manga, your read it.
Thanks for the information LordMelkor, I'll be sure to check it out.
Well, YokoMaru, it's true you can't listen to music in manga but you can always imagine it.

Besides, in Nana's case there's plenty of music available outside of the manga. There's the 'Love for Nana' tribute album (even features Glen Matlock), and then there are all the songs created for the movie so...
Anybody got a review for samurai champloo? Visual quality, etc.
Keep your pants on.
SC just came into stock this week... do you really expect that anyone has received their shipment and watched through the entire series already? Just keep your eyes on the recent reviews part of the site.
"Keep your pants on."
Haha, I didn't know my pants had come off...
Hehehe I listen to Hendrix or the Pillows when I read manga...I dunno Koyuki just doessn't seem liek the kind of person that would do Purple Haze or Babylon Verses of Angel
Anyone has got this already ?
(At least )In my 1st DVD of the set the subs are out of synch (pretty noticeable) with the dialogue .
This is probably a general problem with the set...not just my copy.
Anyone has gotten this and can confirm , please ?:confused:
The Swan Wrote:Anyone has got this already ?
(At least )In my 1st DVD of the set the subs are out of synch (pretty noticeable) with the dialogue .
This is probably a general problem with the set...not just my copy.
Anyone has gotten this and can confirm , please ?:confused:
I'd like to find out as well 'cause IA received Samurai Champloo today and I'm interested in buying it.
Ok...from the check in the others DVDs this is happening in the 3 DVDs of this set
After the last volume of Inuyasha (that i didn't brought due to the reviews) ...EZDVD is releasing a dissapointing set.
Wonder if this will be fixed

Andromeda18_ Wrote:If you like series that deal with the music world (in this case rock/punk) I suggest you pick up Nana. So far only the manga and the live-action movie (you can download it here, english subs here), which was a mega hit throughout Asia, are available but the anime is scheduled to air in Japan on April 5th. Considering how extremely popular Nana is I'm certain some fansubbers' group will begin working on it right away.
I have the movie on my computer, but for some odd reason it just doesn't run right. It seems to have framerate issues both on my PC and on the Xbox. Not to mention, the subs don't look to be that great (i've downloaded 2 different sets, and reading through both, there seems to be a lot of grammar errors)
I can't believe how the animes style looks identical to the mangas. Well, other then being in colour and all.
As for Beck. I remember watching the first bit of it, then i kinda just stopped. I hate trying to keep up with series as they're released. I usually end up looking into them AFTER they're fully out. So i can just grab it all at once, and watch it all at once (the same reason it took me until just recently to FINALLY start watching fullmetal alchemist)
Back onto Champloo. I've ordered my set from here as well, and plan on watching it soon afterwards. Though i'm sure others will have tossed up their reviews beforehand (i'm just hoping it turns out good! if not, then i'll have no problem just buying the entire R1 set)