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I have been wondering why people use text messaging rather than just calling. So anyone care to explain?
i think that feature should not be remove.:mad: If they going to remove something it should be The NOTE or TASK.Smile I don't use them at all. See at this moment I have a N-Gage and I use a lot on the phone like the vid play, mp3 and lots of the games option. I text alot and alway on the go. That feature is nes. an very useful.:p
Puppet Master Wrote:I have been wondering why people use text messaging rather than just calling. So anyone care to explain?

Quicker, cheaper and you don't need to have a pointless conversation when you can say what you need in a quick text.
how do you figure it is cheaper? I pay more for text messages then I do a voice call. If it would be a pointless call then it is more than likely a pointless text, so why bother with all the effort?
ZeroInterrupt Wrote:how do you figure it is cheaper? I pay more for text messages then I do a voice call. If it would be a pointless call then it is more than likely a pointless text, so why bother with all the effort?

You're getting ripped off then. I get loads of free texts and then when I do pay it's cheaper than a minutes call (which often go on for more than that anyway with pointless chit chat).
It only costs me a nickel per text to send and it's free to receive... best of all... people can send to me for free from the net. Oh yeah... that nickel per text is no matter where I am so if I'm out of my home area I don't have to pay for any long distance charges or roaming fees (unless I head south of the border... then it goes up to twenty five cents per text which is still considerably cheaper than talking).
Cell to cell for me is free (for the most part, all my friends have cingular), while text is 20 cents a message. I pay 65 per month for 2 lines.. I don't feel like I'm getting ripped off..
What plan do you have? I currently have Cingular and its only 10cents per message. Also i SMS JJ all the time. More expensive to call to canada then to SMS. Also sometimes if you are at places etc. Its easier to text for quick messages then it is to call someone and hold a phone converstation. Like if someone is at work etc. instead of bothering them for info for 5 mins straight you can send em a message when they get it they do quick reply and it all done.
ZeroInterrupt Wrote:Cell to cell for me is free (for the most part, all my friends have cingular), while text is 20 cents a message. I pay 65 per month for 2 lines.. I don't feel like I'm getting ripped off..
I looked up Cingular's plans and features. I belive its 20cents for Multimedia messages so if you send images / ringtones etc. While basic text only is only 10cents.. hehe
I don't talk on my phone very much... mostly use it when I'm out of town and to do text messaging.
I get 40 minutes of air time per month (the most I've ever used is 36 minutes) and can receive 250 free text messages... after taxes and fees and stuff I end up paying just over twelve bucks a month to keep my phone.

Having said that, when I called from St. Louis to Detroit (remember I'm using a Canadian plan) it cost me over $3/minute to talk...

On the flip side, when I was trying to meet up with Rei in Grand Central Station we used text messages to locate each other and I spent under a dollar for a whole conversation via text.

I'll keep my phone plan for the time being.
gubi-gubi Wrote:You're getting ripped off then. I get loads of free texts and then when I do pay it's cheaper than a minutes call (which often go on for more than that anyway with pointless chit chat).

i agree entirely thats a very good point.
Schultz Wrote:I looked up Cingular's plans and features. I belive its 20cents for Multimedia messages so if you send images / ringtones etc. While basic text only is only 10cents.. hehe

nope... looking at my bill right now.. i got hit for 20 cents per text message. man my butt is hurting..
Wow you must be inputting smily images because even on cingular's site normal text doesn't go above 10cents.
ZeroInterrupt Wrote:nope... looking at my bill right now.. i got hit for 20 cents per text message. man my butt is hurting..

Unless you're sending picture messages by accident. You can send text only multimedia messages and still pay the full price.
Thanks for explaining that to me. I don't text message but i would probably be paying alot if I did. Well I already am with turning my cell phone into an ipod with 65 ringtones but still....
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