jenga Wrote:Hey, are these things for real?
The site says they're made by fx so I'll assume that they're made by ezdvd. I checked the review list on this site and didn't find anything about them. This makes me wonder whether these are really ezdvd sets and if so why isn't it on the dvd reviews list? i don't want to buy these and find out that they're crappy mi sets or something.
Knowing CJV their real ive had 0 problems with them. It's likely that they just havent been added to the database.
jenga Wrote:Hey, are these things for real?
The site says they're made by fx so I'll assume that they're made by ezdvd. I checked the review list on this site and didn't find anything about them. This makes me wonder whether these are really ezdvd sets and if so why isn't it on the dvd reviews list? i don't want to buy these and find out that they're crappy mi sets or something.
I can't say for sure but cookiejarvideo is a great store and I highly doubt bella would lie about which company made the sets. It's most likely ezdvd as FX are not around anymore.
first off ask bella herself because she will be honest with you.
Secondly i have ordered fx sets from there because bella is good at getting hard to find sets.
Now since it's gundam seed im not too sure because i don;t think they did any sets that are that new.
THen again the fx logo may be a typo those are around every so often.
So just ask
P.S. i have the EZDVD version of paranoia agent and its perfectly fine so most likely it shouldn't matter all that much anyways
I have had unbelievably good service with them as well.
In fact i ordered cowboy bebop and it was MAC and it was such a crappy version (cus of the DVD 5 crap they pull sometimes) that i was really pissed and asked bella if i could send it back and get the FX set
She was like sure so i sent it she sent out the FX set and reimbursed all the shipping. So yeah im really impressed
Thanks for the replies everyone. One last question, assuming they are indeed ezdvd, what kind of quality can I expect from them? I know that their fx rips are pretty good but what about their own releases?
jenga Wrote:Thanks for the replies everyone. One last question, assuming they are indeed ezdvd, what kind of quality can I expect from them? I know that their fx rips are pretty good but what about their own releases?
Based on the sets i've seen that EZDVD have realized period pretty damn good.
those are the EZDVD sets that were released, I have Tenchi, Yu Yu and Wing sets coming, wasnt aware that the Seed set is Dub too but it looks like it is.
JunkieJoe Wrote:those are the EZDVD sets that were released, I have Tenchi, Yu Yu and Wing sets coming, wasnt aware that the Seed set is Dub too but it looks like it is.
Heh .. for a moment I thought you were talking about Tenchi GXP !
I?d like to see them release that !

jenga Wrote:I know that their fx rips are pretty good but what about their own releases?
....just stay away from bleach, and i'd read reviews of the set before you buy it.
Stay away from any series that hasn't been properly released on dvd yet. You'll always run into the insane engrish subs (well, from what i've always seen). Then again, that's what the reviews here are for n_n
One of the things I really enjoy about HK DVDs is that I get to see series that haven't been relased as R1s yet... kind of like Initial D stage 4. I have seen some utterly craptastic subtitles though... the ones for the first HK set of Noir stand out in my mind as a low water mark.
If I were more patient to see new series then I would probably never have to suffer through poorly timed barely understandable subtitles again.
Zagatto Wrote:If I were more patient to see new series then I would probably never have to suffer through poorly timed barely understandable subtitles again.
Could you not just dl fansubs? I never buy any HK's when im not sure about the subs anymore. The only sets I would buy would be series not available on fansub.
id love to some anime on hk or maybe even r1 so i can watch it on my tv and so forth but sadly i think if i were to dl the full series of fansubs for some of these animes the quality of those would be far above both.....
desfunk Wrote:Stay away from any series that hasn't been properly released on dvd yet. You'll always run into the insane engrish subs (well, from what i've always seen). Then again, that's what the reviews here are for n_n
Some are just fine. Initial D minus fourth stage and X Gundam are probably the best i've found. V Gundam is understandable too, but don't expect very good grammer.
I have been known to download fansubs and I can even name a few series where the fansubs have better translations than the R1 releases when they finally come out (Fushigi Yuugi comes to mind).
I still prefer watching a show on DVDs and not having to go through the hassle of downloading something, burning it to disc, making sure it all works.... I'm usually more likely to watch something if it's on a DVD. Right now I have Gunslinger Girls, Wolf's Rain and Elfen Lied all parked on my hard drive unwatched (and I dl'd all of these before they were licensed).