So... Its looking like a conservative minority.
I think this is sort of a good thing for Canada. with all the scandals and other sh*t thats happened, I think its sorta good to have a change. Besides, none of Harper's more extreme ideas can get through without support from one of the other parties.
Any other opinions from all you canadians out there?
Not a Canadian but I would like to hear more about those scandals

Canada doesn't have alot of problems does it? It has a very positive image here in europe.
BTW, I heard on the news that in like the 1920's there were plans for the US to invade Canada

Something to think about

As far as scandals go here in Canada, ours are pretty low key and tend to be about graft rather than human rights violations. There have been a few run ins with the native population over the years but somehow those manage to get buried in the press without too much being made of things in the long run.
As a whole, Canada is strong on individual freedoms and allowing people to live their own lives the way they want to run them. With the Liberals heading the nation, we were on the road to legalizing marijuana but I expect that to be put on hold now that we have a Conservative government.
One thing that helps me define Canada is when I look at our performance in the Olympics compared to our performance in the Special Olympics. In the Olympics, we won a modest number of medals for a country of our size. In the Special Olympics, Canada won a disproportionally large number of medals. Looking at this makes me think about where we invest our money as Canadians and where our focus is as a whole. I see Canada as working very hard to make sure that everyone, regardless of status, is given equal opportunity to succeed. I'm not saying that some people don't have more opportunities than others, I'm just saying that we work hard to even things out here.
US invade Canada in 1920s?... think u are a 200 years or so off... there were plans to invade Canada during or right after the American revolution.
Well, I heard it on the news over here last week (as a sort of joke to end the current item) and the above link also talkes about it (even though its a site with a weird name, found it through google). There are many more links if you type 'invade canada' into google.
Anyway, Canada sounds like a nice place to live. If they would have gone through with the legalisation I might consider moving

rofl, this whole thing about invading canada reminds me of something i saw on the
air farce a few years ago:
Bush's advisor: but Mr. President.. we can't invade canada!
Bush: Sure we can! We go right up through mexico and we're almost there!