Hi, after a long absence I am back. Hopefully I didn't get on anyones nerves too badly last time. Anyway just to make sure, I decided to let things cool down for awhile. Well, this time I will try not to annoy and alienate everyone. Seeing as tomorrow is my Bday I don't know if I will be on or not. Well, guess I will see everyone later.
Welcome back Ryo!
Happy Birthday!

Welcome back. You've been missed. I was just wondering about you the other day since all these old memebers pop up for the contest. Don't know what you're talking about getting on anyones nerves.
So, got your parachute pants yet

Nope haven't got them pants yet. As for getting on someone's nerves, I think I got on Blight's and Katallya's the most. Anyway I hope not to do that again so yeah... Anyway, If i can't find parachute pants I may just look for som eleather pants. White Lion looked good in them, perhaps they will do wonders for me too.
happy birthday, which one is it?
It is my 21st and my birthday is tommorow but oh well. Thanks again guys.
Happy Birthday Ryo and welcome back.

Puppet Master Wrote:Happy Birthday Ryo and welcome back.
x2 for ya kid.
woot 21st! congrats, i can't wait, i still got till october

Homeless Joe Wrote:woot 21st! congrats, i can't wait, i still got till october
I wouldn't get too excited it was quite depressing when it me! Now 22 that's gonna be a nightmare! Anyway happy birthday Ryo :p
Heh, never thought I?d see you again. Happy Birthday.