Nevertheless. I just saw your profile. You are still young.
Thankfully nature has its ways. As time goes by, people change.
And as for bootleg dvds. In the eyes of the law, it might be illegal. But my interest in it only comes from spending money to get it. There are shops in Chinatown in Sydney which has been operating for years and the police are not raiding. If you see it as illegal, then I'm sorry to say... we are all guilty, regardless whether you are a saint, religious, or a non believer.
Quote:Put on Christ? Like it's some kind of medication?
lol. No, it means accepting Jesus Christ into your life. Another way of putting it is to have everlasting life. In reality, if you look at it, is we live up to 100 if you are lucky. Putting on Christ is to have a
chance to have
everlasting life.
YamiFan Wrote:lol. No, it means accepting Jesus Christ into your life. Another way of putting it is to have everlasting life. In reality, if you look at it, is we live up to 100 if you are lucky. Putting on Christ is to have a chance to have everlasting life.
So I accept Jesus and live for ever? What a load of crap. What about people born in non-christian countries? So obviously doing good doesn't come into it if you think being a christian allows you to steal anime. Religion underestimates mankind by thinking they have to offer something to get people to be good.
Sheeesh all this talk about jesus and evangelion... where's my bong? (memories) anyway if you don't believe in god or gods, or consider yourself a true believer one thing remains... If you pare down all the dietary and BS social theories of the bible and just get to what Jesus said and did, he was actually a pretty cool forward thinking fellow... We would be all alot better off if those who proclaimed themself christian would follow HIS teachings and acts (feeding the poor, curing the sick, just being merciful, equal status for women) and not those of the Charlatans (all those fat stupid money grubbing pharisees like Pat Robertson and Falwell) This world would be almost perfect... For everyone else, take some time to check out what Jesus said... he may not have been the son of god, but a brilliant man living in an unenlightened time he most certainly was...
chancebbb3 Wrote:Sheeesh all this talk about jesus and evangelion... where's my bong? (memories) anyway if you don't believe in god or gods, or consider yourself a true believer one thing remains... If you pare down all the dietary and BS social theories of the bible and just get to what Jesus said and did, he was actually a pretty cool forward thinking fellow... We would be all alot better off if those who proclaimed themself christian would follow HIS teachings and acts (feeding the poor, curing the sick, just being merciful, equal status for women) and not those of the Charlatans (all those fat stupid money grubbing pharisees like Pat Robertson and Falwell) This world would be almost perfect... For everyone else, take some time to check out what Jesus said... he may not have been the son of god, but a brilliant man living in an unenlightened time he most certainly was...
Yeh I agree. I feel the same. Jesus came to basically say the old testament was crap. People still use it and call themselves Christians. Even people who wrote about Jesus in the gospels added their own crap. An interesting (and there's alot of evidence) theory is Jesus went to India and Tibet in his youth where he learnt about buddhism. Alot of his teachings are similar to buddhist teachings. Lastly a little bit of trivia, Jesus used weed! Even his name refers to it 'the anointed one' as he used to anoint people with cannabis oils

gubi-gubi Wrote:Yeh I agree. I feel the same. Jesus came to basically say the old testament was crap. People still use it and call themselves Christians. Even people who wrote about Jesus in the gospels added their own crap. An interesting (and there's alot of evidence) theory is Jesus went to India and Tibet in his youth where he learnt about buddhism. Alot of his teachings are similar to buddhist teachings. Lastly a little bit of trivia, Jesus used weed! Even his name refers to it 'the anointed one' as he used to anoint people with cannabis oils 
So um should i get a bracelet that says WWJS? (What would Jesus Smoke) lol I've heard the Jesus-Far East connection theories, and as intrigued as I am with them, i think it's about as easy to prove that Paul Bunyon and Babe the Blue Ox created the Thousand Lakes of Minnisota and the Grand Canyon... I wish people would just take his Sermon on the Mount (A true literary work of genius) as the only REAL gospel... But human nature will always succeed. As far as the drugs go, i know he drank some wine, i'm guessing hashish already made the scene by that time... opium maybe? I heard that the original frankenscence was an opium derivative right? and Myrh was a canabanoid? These are stories i heard in college, but since what they said about catherine the great was a little off (thankfully i learned the truth about THAT one in high school) i wouldn't mind some verification...
gubi-gubi Wrote:So I accept Jesus and live for ever? What a load of crap. What about people born in non-christian countries?
You born twice, you die once. You born once, you die twice. And gubi, look at yourself, don't worry about other people.
And when putting on Christ WOULD be medication if you look at it as being healing the sick. It's free medication. No need to donate to poor countries. Just bring the gospel to them.
Your view points are interesting. Please listen to Barry Smith before going on. It will enlighten you. You don't have to do the end part unless you are obligated and convicted. It needs real player. Here is the link...
chancebbb3 Wrote:I've heard the Jesus-Far East connection theories, and as intrigued as I am with them, i think it's about as easy to prove that Paul Bunyon and Babe the Blue Ox created the Thousand Lakes of Minnisota and the Grand Canyon...
There are groups of people living in India that have him as their God who traveled to them from the middle east. There is also manuscripts that document it.
chancebbb3 Wrote:As far as the drugs go, i know he drank some wine, i'm guessing hashish already made the scene by that time... opium maybe? I heard that the original frankenscence was an opium derivative right? and Myrh was a canabanoid?
They drank wine with opium in and I think myrh and frankenscence are psychotropic.
YamiFan Wrote:And when putting on Christ WOULD be medication if you look at it as being healing the sick. It's free medication. No need to donate to poor countries. Just bring the gospel to them.[/url]
Wow that's pretty sick. Tell that to the Aids babies born in Africa.
YamiFan Wrote:Interesting...
Nevertheless. I just saw your profile. You are still young.
Thankfully nature has its ways. As time goes by, people change.
And as for bootleg dvds. In the eyes of the law, it might be illegal. But my interest in it only comes from spending money to get it. There are shops in Chinatown in Sydney which has been operating for years and the police are not raiding. If you see it as illegal, then I'm sorry to say... we are all guilty, regardless whether you are a saint, religious, or a non believer.
lol. No, it means accepting Jesus Christ into your life. Another way of putting it is to have everlasting life. In reality, if you look at it, is we live up to 100 if you are lucky. Putting on Christ is to have a chance to have everlasting life.
I couldnt help but laugh when I saw this and theres good reason for that. I used to believe in things like gods but after really thinking about it my view of this world changed and sometime around last year it changed for good. I have no intention of looking to religion for comfort or anything like that for any reason in this life time. I'd rather think for myself than listen to someone preach while my mind wanders.
Puppet Master Wrote:I couldnt help but laugh when I saw this and theres good reason for that. I used to believe in things like gods but after really thinking about it my view of this world changed and sometime around last year it changed for good. I have no intention of looking to religion for comfort or anything like that for any reason in this life time. I'd rather think for myself than listen to someone preach while my mind wanders.
Meditate on your signature.
If darkness can become light. Then that is a change. Therefore, if light becomes darkness, there is a change again.
Puppet Master Wrote:after really thinking about it my view of this world changed and sometime around last year it changed for good.
That's the thing. Religion doesn't allow you to think. It tells you what to believe and what's true (who the hell are they to say that?) with stuff like 'God's word is the truth' and the 'Bible is the words of God' etc etc...
gubi-gubi Wrote:That's the thing. Religion doesn't allow you to think. It tells you what to believe and what's true (who the hell are they to say that?) with stuff like 'God's word is the truth' and the 'Bible is the words of God' etc etc...
Those people who make that claim comes from experience. Unless somebody else experience something, they will know what they experience.
Evangelion is overrated!
The series are convulted mess of religion, politics and human drama.
When you look at the story summary it seems like an intersting show I would suggest to
watch series at least a second time to understand what is going on.
and don't watch End of Evangelion if you don't understand the series you'll get more
Hotsuma Wrote:don't watch End of Evangelion if you don't understand the series you'll get more
That's bad advice. Although the series is good on it's own End of adds so much more that the series can't and explains a WHOLE lot more.