ok I have a question. hope it's ok to ask here, since these two sellers on ebay sell imports I thought it fits with the board and site being a site for hk imports...
I wasn't sure though if I could post their ebay ids..don't want to ruffle feathers though its not that kind of question.
there are two sellers, I noticed that they both have the same kind of website for their off ebay sales of imports, it's exactly the same style and then I noticed that they both were in UT....now interestingly enough I have bought from both of them before, both I had made a few to several purchases here and there in the past couple of years...but it never occurred to me...could these two be the same person? they go by different names..not the ebay ids I mean the names they go by and I have had their info from ebay before as I usually request their info in case I ever have to call a seller.
is this possible?
now if I can post the ebay ids maybe someone can tell me but if that's against some rules or something then I didn't want to do that. I can email you off board though. ok well curious I be for a reason that I don't want to post here but it would help to know if I would be purchasing if I do from the same person or not. thanks again:confused:
You're allowed to post their ebay id's. Go for it...
It's possible that they may be different people from the same company i've heard of that before.
Little off topic but are you saying you can request someone's personal info from ebay? Isn't it illegal for ebay to give that info or do you get it from the sellers themselfs?
elcoholic Wrote:Little off topic but are you saying you can request someone's personal info from ebay? Isn't it illegal for ebay to give that info or do you get it from the sellers themselfs?
My bet's from the users to my knowledge E-Bay can't give that kind of information out. Could be off the packages recieved from the seller.
noooo someone here is confused. the two sellers on ebay I was wondering about are sellers I have purchased from so yes..you can obtain the info when you have done business with them through ebay's get seller's information form. you put in the item number and sellers ebay id to obtain their contact info which every member of ebay must register with ebay and when you do this it is sent to your email addy and also your info is automatically sent to them.
also the two ebay sellers I mentioned have their own off ebay websites for dvds/cds....and they do have their information there for contact info of course.
the ebay id's are sphaitt and multidiscs...both have the same website design, like mirror images, both are import dvd sellers of asian films and anime. they have different names (that's right on their websites by the way, so no secret.). just both are in UT and it was very similar..so I was curious.
ok hope that was clarifed.

yanagi_nyc Wrote:the ebay id's are sphaitt and multidiscs...both have the same website design, like mirror images, both are import dvd sellers of asian films and anime. they have different names (that's right on their websites by the way, so no secret.). just both are in UT and it was very similar..so I was curious.
Sphiatt aren't liked much around here with good reason. If I recall I think someone asked a while back if they had two id's so it could be they are the same. I wouldn't trust anything they do anyway...
Site design isn't always a sign they are the same though as lots of places steal site design... I think even I-A had their design stole a while back. Getterdome and Anime-Icon were identical aswell but with different people running them.
yanagi_nyc Wrote:noooo someone here is confused. the two sellers on ebay I was wondering about are sellers I have purchased from so yes..you can obtain the info when you have done business with them through ebay's get seller's information form. you put in the item number and sellers ebay id to obtain their contact info which every member of ebay must register with ebay and when you do this it is sent to your email addy and also your info is automatically sent to them.
also the two ebay sellers I mentioned have their own off ebay websites for dvds/cds....and they do have their information there for contact info of course.
the ebay id's are sphaitt and multidiscs...both have the same website design, like mirror images, both are import dvd sellers of asian films and anime. they have different names (that's right on their websites by the way, so no secret.). just both are in UT and it was very similar..so I was curious.
ok hope that was clarifed.
I've seen Hiatts site design at tons of places if that's what you mean.
EVERYONE! Look at yanagi_nyc question properly... 'could these two be the same person?'
Two Ebay IDs and two websites being similar.
My guess is yes. (I could be wrong). To go further on my answer, here is what I think. Notice how sphiatt was an Ebay member since 1999 and Multidiscs was a member since 2002. From the companies deduction, they would think that opening another Ebay account and opening another website would double their business since they have overstock of items.--------------------Another thing is that if you look at the bottom of each website's page, both websites are run by the same engine.
Based on their location and feedback id say yeah they are the same has all of Hiatts trademarks.