well first off, happy new year, its now 2006 and another year closer to your inevitable death...HORRAH!!!
so what did everyone do for new years? i stayed home, and ate pizza by myself and played on my psp. My new years ressoultion is to stop making promises i couldnt keep...kinda like a new years ressoulution.
I am happy that break is almost over, its almost a month at my school...as if im going back, i just wanted to wait till the first of the year to look for a job, it just somehow made since to me...
anyway, what have u guys been up to, how did u enjoy your break, ect?
I had to work on New Years Eve/day from 12 am to 12 pm least my jobs easy spent at least 95% of the night just watching Twelve Kingdoms and Tehxnoylze. As far as New Years day goes I just slept from like 1 or 2 to 10, had a drink and watched a movie. I don't go back to school till the 9th but even that's too soon because im loving my stay up all night sleep all day schedule it's just like it was years back ah good times not having to deal with anyone anywhere

I don't make New Years Resolutions because I know I can't keep em

But im definatly enjoying being on break it lets me do whatever I want and it's the only time I have a real day off lol.
This year should be better
HOPEFULLY and I say that for good reason...
I hope everyone else had a good break.
Happy new year all!
I went to friends till about 23pm, then went to other friends for the handshakking, kissing and best wishes ritual at midnight. Got really drunk and at 5am we went to another friend and somehow I ended back home in bed. Stayed there through most of the day. I called up my boss this morning to tell him I'm staying home cause I need another day to get sober. I had fun...I think.
New years resolution? To many to mention and they're the same as last year. Probably the same next year aswell.
haha i don't go back to school till the 25....i'm going to be so bored. i was sick for new years

so i ended up just staying home with my parents and having a bit of champaigne which wasn't bad. it was so funny, we watched blazing saddles, before we put it on, my mom who is totally against drugs was a little tipsy and said, hey if were going to watch blazing saddles we should smoke a joint first. now i wonder if she has smoked before :confused:
Homeless Joe Wrote:my mom who is totally against drugs was a little tipsy and said, hey if were going to watch blazing saddles we should smoke a joint first. now i wonder if she has smoked before :confused:
Ha, I wish my mum would be like that lol.
well happy new years even tho it's pritty late for that. well school started back up today (1/3/06) but it will be all good in a week whwn i get to swich back to an old school of mine.
other than that life will resume that same as always.:eek: