after JJ's comments in another thread, im wondering what people's opinions are on this movie. Just want to get a general opinion before I waste my money to possibly go see yet another crappy film.
reason I didnt like the movie was because there was nothing really that great there... I mean I am not real big fan of Lord of the Rings but the "epicness" was there, this movie has nothing special, Jack Black as a director was a poor choice...
if this movie came out 10 years ago, it would have been something, but since Jurasic Part 1, 2, 3 and million of other movies using same CG, this movie is behind the times... there are 2 reasons why people go see the movies, Story and special effects (because of actors maybe a 3rd reason but its a lame reason), so the story, just like Titanic, you know how it is going to end, special effects, obsolete...
the moral of the story is: go watch some other hidden jems in the theatre like "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" or Jarhead,
King Kong is worth a dvd rental, better yet, wait til its playing on TV
the previous King Kong (one from the 80s) is way better than this one.
I haven't seen it yet but having watched the trailers the effects look awful. The dinosaur fight looks almost deliberately fake. Is that the style? Is it ment to look unrealistic? I don't get any 'wow' factor from it... Maybe the big screen will add that.
nah no wow factor on big screen either... like i said, Jurasic Park showed it all 10 years ago
JunkieJoe Wrote:the moral of the story is: go watch some other hidden jems in the theatre like "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" or Jarhead,
I'v heard mixed reviews on jarhead :S
well jarhead isn't a "war movie" it's more of a social commentary type movie. i thought it was alright, better than most movies out there now but i wasn't all that impressed. has anyone seen kiss kiss bang bang? i've been wanting to see it.
Jarhead was awesome, but ya don't go into it expecting a lotta violence.
Nope, nothing grand or epic about King Kong. I left the theater with no opinion, it wasnt good, it wasnt bad, it was just there, and now it was time for dinner. I did like the stampede scene, and the ninja fight with the T-Rex gang caused my girlfriend to laugh uncontrolably, which I guess are postive points. And on a whole I didnt mind sitting throught it.
However, previously in my mind the entire movie was Kong swatting at airplanes. I had never seen anything other than the images of Kong at the top of the Empire State Building, nor had I given the rest of the movie any thought. Sure, the facts that he has to get captured first and die afterward are obvious, though having never witnessed the events on screen before made the movie as interesting as Titanic or The Passion. But at least Titanic had some boob.
WandererX12 Wrote:But at least Titanic had some boob.
yes....yes it did

but your telling me there are no boobies in king kong? well then forget! i was thinking about seeing it while i was movie hoping, in case nothing else was playing at the time, but if it doesn't have any boobies, i think i'll just wait and netflix it...maybe.
It looks like a big CGI turd fest. I'll be avoiding this movie at all cost.
Yeah the cg is deliberatly bad most of the time with big nasty black boarders round the characters giving the bluescreen style effects, more of a sky captain and the world of tomorrow feel.Like the others i felt there was nothing terrible but nothing great about it.It was way to long (unnecesarily).There were only a hand full of people sitting in front of me at the theatre and they were all restless after the first hour.About three of them were lying down.You could probably cut about 30 mins out of the movie by not showing kongs eyes and nose close up for no apparent reason.
Due to its pace and length i would definitly recomend watching it in the comfort of your home.
People here are dumb.They all sit in the back of the theatre.(I couldnt be bothered driving an extra 10km to a better theatre and went to the closest which sucks.) But the back of the thatre where most were sitting is recessed back behind the rear speakers and is pretty high up on the screen.I just dont get it.On top of that some f@*k hasnt set up the projector right and my el cheapo epson s1 at home has almost equivelent contrast ratio.It was like the worst blacks in history.I think ill just have to go the extra 10k next time.
End rant
This movie was a huge disapointment! It was quite nice up till that part where the dinosaurs stampeded. From that point on the movie lost all credibility. What the hell was all that?! Those people should've died many times over! And I'm not even going to talk about the special effects! :eek: