You're gonna have to forgive me for all the posts. I'm at work, slightly if not extremely bored. And I only stop by the forums when I'm here, cause at home I'm watching anime or playing PC games. So yeah. I'm currently on the 12th episode of Wolf's Rain and it's a dope series, except the opening theme.
Every anime series I have watched, except for maybe .hack//SIGN has had really good intros. And since Wolf's Rain had a lot of hype I expected the intro to be a lot more than it is, especially since the musical score was written by Yoko Kanno.
The opening theme "Stray" though having to do with dogs being strays is a little too early 90's power pop. I only detest it because of it's genre not because it's bad song. The song in fact is quite good for what it is. The singing is excellent with many diffrent melodies and variations in the singers voice (forgot his name). My point is normally anime intro's get you pumped and you can listen to them and rock out in your car. (Favorite is still Driver's High by Larc-en~ciel from GTO) This intro just disappoints me I guess, but that's art for ya; sometimes awesome othertimes far from it.
By the way the .hack//SIGN intro gives me a headache which is funny cause they lyrics are "Losing my headache" The intro is fine for topic of the series, but I hate hate hate hearing it.
I like it. I have the cd and whenever I listen to it I wanna go watch wolfs rain.
Better an average intro followed by an excellent show than a top-notch intro followed by an average show.

I personnally like it very much. Fits the mood of the show perfectly.
Btw: the singer's name is Steve Conte. He already worked together with Yoko Kanno on different Cowboy Bebop songs and more.
The Wolf's Rain OP is okay. The early 90's power pop description is pretty accurate.
Steve Conte does have some really good songs. One of my personal favorites is "Living Inside the Shell" - the ending to GITS: SAC 2nd Gig. (Now there's a show that I feel is top notch all around.

I remember finding See-Saw's .hack//sign OP annoying myself for the longest time. But after listening to various other anime songs, I can actually stand it now and I think I'm actually starting to like it. I think See-Saw did the .hack//sign ending too. Now that song I have always liked.
I finished up Wolf's Rain today. Not going to put in any spoilers, I'd just like to say, WTF?
Shouldn't have watched the last two episodes, would have been much more fulfilled that way. :p
Don't watch the last ep of cowboy bebop either then.
Cowboy Bebop was a bit diffrent. I don't think what appears to have happened to Spike, really happened. But they leave it that way for us to decide. The ending of Wolf's Rain was, well, you go through this whole journey with all those guys to watch them...
Anyway, still loved it, just left me with that notion in my head.
Wolf's rain is one of the most hyped anime series I have seen. Maybe it was my crappy bootleg with near impssoble to read subtitles, but I was very unimpressed.
Um, Spike was pretty dead.
[SPOILER]Yeah Spike was dead without a doubt so I don't see how it was much different. [/SPOILER] Probaly was your crappy bootleg though it was pretty much unwatchable during its Adult Swim run as well.
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Yeah, but in Cowboy Bebop did they kill off every main character in the last two episodes? After the first wolf died I was a little touched, then they started throwing them down like it was slaughter day at the animal shelter. Seemed a little much.
fastsixty6 Wrote:Highlight To Read
Yeah, but in Cowboy Bebop did they kill off every main character in the last two episodes? After the first wolf died I was a little touched, then they started throwing them down like it was slaughter day at the animal shelter. Seemed a little much.
[SPOILER]For paradise to open everything must come to an end. Basically without death there can be no creation. To be simple in Wolf's Rain that was the end and the ultimate key because as anyone can tell by the ending they were reborn in a new world.[/SPOILER]
I still thought it was sadder when spike died.
I hope you're enjoying the discussion, cause I have nobody else in my ring of friends to talk this stuff about.
Spoiler stuff so I'll do it in white.
So, the whole point of paradise is that you cannot have paradise because you cannot have ultimate happiness w/o ultimate sorrow. So the monolog by Kiba in the beginning and the end is true "You can search to the ends of the earth and never find it". What's lame though, is you don't see them reincarnated or whatever that last scene is supposed to represent until after society has evolved far enough to have big cities and cars again. So basicly, it's just history repeating. Kiba begins running in the end, for the same reasons he was running in the beginning to find a paradise that doesn't exist.
That's some sad shit...
I thinkthe reason why I didn't like this series was aside from the crappy bootleg I had, I never botherd to get teh last 4 episodes (the OVAs). I found the regular ending to be fairly crappy, but I guess episodes 27-30 make up for it and are the realconclusion to the series.