ok anyways
so what do you people think about the new anime thats comming out that is computer enhanced in such a huge way. Such as like Gonzo and other stuff like AIR and so forth. Do you think good old regularly drawn anime is going to be a way of the past in a few years and if so are you glad or what. Like voices of a distant star looks amazing but is all computer so what do you think?
I was joking bout the rant
Well happy birthday there. Its already 'I hate going to work' day over here so it won't be Cyrus day
For CGI anime, I don't mind as long as they don't start doing 3d charrecters. Backgrounds I don't mind and sometimes even like with science fiction shows but don't change the charecters. I haven't seen any of the stuff you mentioned so can't comment on those.
Anyway, have a nice day.
Happy Birthday.
I don't really have an opinion about the CGI anime thing.
If you don't like cgi watch appleseed. 'Nuff said.
I don't care what is used to make the anime as long as the story is good and the characters have depth. I like a lot of older anime because they have just that wereas a lot of newer anime seem to lack that.
I agree... I don't really care how the show is made as long as the story is engaging and the production matches the story.
I think anime is 60% art style 40% story and other stuff
I don't think we can say anything that is drawn like anime is anime or anything that isnt drawn that much like anime isnt.
Even teen titans has some definate anime inspired themes although i wouldn't call that anime.
I don't have a problem with anime being cg enhanced as long as it doesnt turn into appleseed.
Don't get me wrong i love appleseen heck i own it but i wouldn't want all anime to become like that
i much rather have it be like last exile or steamboy or something
If it's an action show with cool fight scenes then I want it to be like appleseed.
cgi based anime makes me ill...i watched about 15 min of appleseed and almost vomited...cgi can have its place in anime as long as it is hardly noticable and not often. dont get me wrong, I love CGI, but the blending of a 3d background with a 2d charictor will make me sick
i think that a good anime needs a good story, of course, but i also think that it's an art form and as an art i prefer anime that is drawn well. some cgi doesn't bother me, it can be used to enhance the art, but i don't like when it is noticeable. now i liked last exile, but i didn't like the amount of cgi in it. it just didn't feel right too me. the first time i saw one of the ships come flying in i was like wtf, this blows. but i got used to it and enjoyed the anime....still thought the cgi was a little much though.
Happy Birthday Cyrus! Sorry for being 3 days late but I haven't come to the forums in a few days. Hope you've had a good day.
Now, as far as animation goes I prefer it the traditional way. I like it when cgi and traditional animation are combined so long as it is properly done (like Last Exile).
I don't have a problem with CGI, I just don?t think it is anime. I'm gonna sound like a dork here, but my favorite show growing up was Beast Wars (I sound like a dork because I pre ordered the new comic series coming out...), so I love CGI. It just shouldn't be put in the anime category, since it is a totally different style than what anime is. I don?t even consider the new Apple Seed to be anime, since it is all CGI. But I really liked it and it totally looked badass. I'm not a real big fan of mixing the two, but a little here and there if it isn't notable is ok. Using too much CGI kinda ruins the experience for me, cause it is distracting. When some big ass monster comes on screen, and is formed totally different than anything else you see on screen at the same time is annoying, and makes me think of that kiddy song of ?one of these things is not like the others.?
Blight, part of me wants to kick you in the teeth. But that would be wrong, just like your opinion.
J/k...about the opinion part.
This is because on one hand I consider all animation from Japan to be anime, be it 2D hand drawn cells, CGI, or even stop motion (which I've never seen, does any one know of any?). So, saying Appleseed isn't anime is like saying Toy Story isn't American animation. Art style can differ greatly between shows using the same animation style, Super Milk Chan compared to Serial Experimants Lain for example. Notice that most shows don't look like Speed Racer anymore. Eyes are still big, but speed lines are down and frame rates are up as budgets grow and production methods change. Japan loves new tech, "Better, Faster, Samller" may as well be the national motto. So how can we ostricize Appleseed for useing said tech to try and stand out?
On the other less violent, less literal hand, I understand wanting anime to have a certain style. I find that I can give some shows a chance based on thier being anime, despite falling into a genre which I would ignore in any other format. Thus, there must somthing that ties them all together even though they have vastly different stories. I don't know that I could give that chance to a 3Dcgi movie even if it falls under the anime definition from the last paragraph.
Also, I completely agree that mixing 2D and 3D runs the risk of completely ruining a series. Harlock Saga comes to mind. It may have a horrible plot, I don't know, the 3D ships mixed so poorly with the 2D characters that I had to stop watching before I could find out. Zoids, however, mixed the two very well in my opinion and gave me faith that the two styles could exist peacefully together.
I think I'll stop now, I didn't mean to say so much. I just really like these subjects and haven't given them much though in a while. Oh, and let's not forget the use of CGI to help quickly create traditional looking 2D animation on the cheap, instead of gaudy 3D animation. Sorry.
I think of shows like Cowboy Bebop and Last Exile and feel totally blown away by the quality of computer animation throughout both of those shows. Then I watch something like Heavy Metal 2000 and feel the urge to gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon after being subjected to floating items in front of great backgrounds.
For me, it's not about the technique used. It's more about execution and the quality of the story that was told. If the story isn't there then I don't care how pretty something is... it's just not worth my time.
Here, here!!
For me, I will sit through crappy animation if the story is engaging. Kinda like the older Final Fantasy Games...

Then again, I'm one of those people who reads...all the time.