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Full Version: Gungrave disappointing or not??? **Spoiler Alert**
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Well, i just got done watching all of the episodes of Gungrave and i am a little disappointed with the series. I thought the series was awesome all the way untill Brandon was shoot and got necrolized. I thought the series went down hill right after that with Brandon coming back from the dead, Necrolization, and the superiors what the hell is that all about. I loved the whole mafia concept of the series and i thought it could have been one of the best anime series' ever but i was disappointed. I just want to know what some of your opinions are on the series.
Up until that point and the ending were very good imo. The part that should have been the coolest was the only part of the series that wasn't great.
The story and characters were great all the way through but the action scenes after Brandon came back to life were what hurt it for me if only they were better then it would have been almost perfect. Also Bob's eyes made him way to cartoony for a drama like Gungrave, Still I like Gungrave lots.
It was a little over the top once Brandon came back to life, but i think the entier first part of the anime and the last 2 episodes or so make up for it. Still one of the ebst series I have seen. And what series have you seen that was consitently good for all 26 episodes? I can't think of any.
cowboy bebop
hellsing - 13
blue gender
initial d - way more than 26
Naruto - way way more than 26
heat guy j
Yu Yu Hakusho - more than 26 again

I could probably name more, those are just off the top of my head.
I'll have to respectfully disagree Cidien. Of all those animes I have only seen Evangelion in its entirety, and its one of my favorites, however I think the series final 2/3s plus the movie make it a great series. The first 15 or so episodes while not bad, are not captivating like the last part of the series is. I have read alot of reviews on Cowboy Beebop and al o of people seem to think that there are several lacking episodes in the series. Like I said before, I haven't seen most of what''s on your list, but I find it hard to beleive that a series can be great ever episode for 26 or more episodes. Inevitably there will be some let down wither because of finaces, or time concerns, or politics, whatver. The closest I can think of is Boogiepop and that is onl 12 or 13 episodes long.
I didn't think boogiepop was very good.
O well, difference of opinion I guess. I thought boogiepop was one of the smartest and well written series I have seen (anime or not). That is why its so hard to say which animes are good and which are not...differnt criteria satisfies different folks.