Hey, whats up all? Well it's been awile sence i have bee on. well thats all i really have to say but "hi"

If I don't know you ya must be a really old member. =P Well nice to meet you.
I remember you.
Welcome back.
I remember you too.
Welcome back!

hey, howdie, wasssup, hiya, cho, hi!

its been so long, anything new?
Dood, Ninjas aren't real!
well every one is the same as they were before i left. its been like so long. well time to end this thread.

I'm so bored so I clicked on your myspace link in your sig.
Please tell me there's a band called matalica and you didn't just misspell the name of the greatest metal band ever?
What's it say under his name, elcoholic? It was a misspelling for which he will pay dearly!!!!!
i haven't up dated myspace juck for like 6 months....

i normaly am not on the net like i used to be so any spelling errors you find in the past 6 months was my friend checking up on my account and before that it was me and my bad spelling.
Seems like he's matured a little*
*Note this is a three post observation and the observer bears the right to revoke such comments as to the maturity or lack there of if things change.
Ka-Talliya Wrote:Seems like he's matured a little*
*Note this is a three post observation and the observer bears the right to revoke such comments as to the maturity or lack there of if things change.
thanks for the comment. i have been through alot in the pas 6 months. i guess you can say i matured....