Um, First of all, I meant things YOU dig right now. Damn R.
Nothing “new” lately. I have found some Malice Mizer, Dir en Grey and Gackt (I hadn’t found anything of him alone I liked until recently) that I find myself constantly listening to.
Oh, I am trying to learn some piano music right now. I’ve always been interested in music, just never had any knowledge about. I took an Intro to music class in college this semester and it is essentially a keyboarding class. Now that I have a music base, I think I’ll try to tackle guitar again.
Ultimate Fighter. Some of the fights have sucked. But some have totally rocked. I love this show. It is Reality TV light, UFC heavy. I’m rooting for “Skywalker.” There is a guy Named Luke that is really into whole Chi in balance with the earth thing, but he is a bad ass Mu Thai fighter. The week before last he had his semi final fight and delivered the best knock out I have EVER seen. Knee to the head, direct hit. I love this show.
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow for the DS. A lot like Aria of Sorrow, but has expanded on the soul principals. I am of course in love with these games. I bought the DS mainly for this one game. I’m close to making it through (at least I think so) for the first play through, then I can play with two more characters once I’m done so it has replay value.
Nothing right now. Yu Yu Hakusho is over. Manga has kinda taken it’s place for the moment. So…
Manga: Lots. Fist of the blue sky, Naruto, One Piece, Hikaru No Go. The top two though are Hunter x Hunter, and Bleach. Bleach is awesome. It is my only real substitute for Yu Yu Hakusho. I’m giving GTO a break right now so I don’t burn through it to fast.
Other stuff:
I’m working on a Cosplay out fit. It Guts from Berserk. I’m going to try to make it as close to how it looks in the anime as possible. It will represent him when he is the black swordsman. I have most of the stuff planed out and it won't be that hard. The sword it the only tricky area. How much it would weigh isn’t as big of a problem of as how expensive it would be to be metal. I’m not sure what materials I will use thus far. I will experiment by taking some sheet metal, hammering it around a 2x6 and using spray in foam to fill in gaps. It has worked on smaller models I have made for things right now, but as any berserk fan knows, that sword is fucking huge, so I guess I’ll just figure out it along the way.
Music, everything and nothing (not a band). I just throw something in winamp and put it on shuffle. I like and own all kinds of music but lately I've been listening to alot of blues and jazz stuff. Also I found a kick ass drum&bass radio station on shoutcast. Put that on whenever I need to work or clean in the house.
TV, absolutely nothing that stands out. I did download the weekly episodes of a show called 'Weeds' which I think is shown on HBO in the states. Very good show about a single mom who earns her money by selling weed. Very funny and very serious at the same time. Its not a stoners show and its more about the hardships she has with raising her children but mixed with some very cool charrecters.
For the rest I just watch news and documentaries on tv if I'm watching it at all. TV sucks nowadays. Nothing original. I might download some of those ultimate fighter eps you're talking about. I saw they were available at a site but I thought it was that boxing show with Stallone and that's boring.
Games, whatever is available. I have Call of Duty 2 and the new castlevania that I have to check out.
Anime, just Naruto. Maybe download bleach when I have the time.
Other stuff, work, work, work. I'm beat on the weekdays. Such a drag. Weekends are for cleaning and hanging out with friends family. Sundays are for myself to just relax and do nothing but watch the tube and play a game unless there's formula 1 racing.
As far as music goes you can find out what I've been listening to if you read my reply to the thread " The last music you bought" which I'm certain you did since you were the one who created it. :p
When it comes to TV I have to agree with Elcoholic, it sucks! I just watch documentaries, some films and the news. I do watch some TV series ocasionally but on DVD so it doesn't really qualify as tv I suppose.
Games: I'm playing Radiata Stories right now although it's on stand by due to a pile of manga I have to read. I'm also eager to get my hands on Dragon Quest VIII, Magna Carta: Tears of Blood and Kingdom Hearts II.
Anime: Currently watching the awesome Paradise Kiss (subtitles courtesy of IY4Ever), Basilisk and Kino's Journey.
Manga: Well, let me put it to you like this, I'm collecting over 70 different titles right now so you can have an idea of how much I have to read and how much I've been reading. I don't really have the time to go into detail right now but don't worry, I will. :p
Other stuff: Later, I really have to go now.

I'll tell you what I don't dig. Computers.
Battlefront 2 is cool.
Ya that's about it right now lol. Playing battlefront 2 and going to school.
Music: 'Pendulum - Hold Your Colour' - Awesome drum and bass album a friend lent me.
TV: Prison Break - Watched first episode the other day and ive got the others on download. Looks really good.
Anime: Haven't watched much lately. Last episode I watched was an episode of Massugu Ni Ikou. It's a really cute show about dogs. Seen it before but thought i'd throw it on.
Now that I have a little more time I'm going to pick up where I left yesterday.
Manga: Blade of the Immortal is still an awesome title, as are Red River, Bleach, Basara, Nana, Shin Angyo Onshi, GTO, Shonan Junai Gumi - Young GTO (it's positively hilarious), MPD Psycho, Arms, I'll/CKBC, Evangelion, Berserk, Land of the Blindfolded, Genshiken and Homunculus.
Full Metal Alchemist, Dangoo, Legal Drug, Togari, Samurai Executioner, Count Cain (includes the Godchild story arc being published on Shojo Beat), X, Japan, Zetman (new version), Vagabond, Gokinjo Monogatari, Psychometer Eiji, Samurai Deeper Kyo, 3x3 Eyes, Black Cat, ES - Eternal Sabath, XXXHolic and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle are also very, very cool.
I also enjoy Hunter x Hunter a lot, Blight, but I must say I liked it better in the beginning (read 16 volumes so far). At a certain point the explanations on how their powers work just became too complex and boring. It got better again once they got into Greed Island, even if Yoshihiro Togashi still exagerates a bit everytime he explains how the card game works.
Other Stuff: Well, I keep on going regularly to the movies. I'm going to watch The March of the Penguins today and tomorrow some movie I have yet to choose and then Doom.
I go out, I read a lot, the usual stuff. I've also been working out with a bit more intensity again.
hmm... wat i dig??
snowboarding, anime, manga, playing video games, music, money, o and fencing.
yay! for fencing.. hahaha...
just went to my first fencing tournament today. it was a small, not tiny, event. got 4 in women's saber, 7th in women's foil, and first in sioux city womens category. not bad for a newbi. there were so many amazing people in the compition, i was w0w :eek: ! makes me want to learn more now.
Thats awsome, I would love to learn fencing.
-spike- Wrote:Thats awsome, I would love to learn fencing.
go for it! its really fun! but the down fall of this is wen u do compete u have to wear all this layer of clothing. so like in one minute of ur first match it get hot! ahhhh... but still i like it, fencing not sweating. hahaha
Aside from my renewed interest in comics I am taking guitar lessons from a Mr. Joe Fuco in my neighborhood, he has had recognition for his skill and has many awards and comondations. I have had my geetar for a year now and all its done is collect dust so I decided to fork over the $30 an hour so I could at least learn how to use it, I am working on learning how to play stuff like Bach, Beehtoven and Mozart on the guitar pretty fun hearing classical in a metal style. The only funny thing is that my boss and coworkers keep bugging my because I always have the finger gripmaster in my hand to strengthen my fingers.
Gemini Wrote:go for it! its really fun! but the down fall of this is wen u do compete u have to wear all this layer of clothing. so like in one minute of ur first match it get hot! ahhhh... but still i like it, fencing not sweating. hahaha
I would do it, but im way too busy with college right now. I have pretty much no free time.
Anyway, on topic here.
I just started useing the Warcraft III editor and its pretty sweet, its a very powerful tool.
Been watching Startreck with my roommate, he has converted me. Were watching Enterprise and Voyager.
I bought Resident Evil 4, but havnt gotten to play it very much, but its hella scary.
Thats about it for now.
Hmm, well, snowboarding, playing bass, learning Japanese, and Ichigo 100% the manga are all I can think of off hand. I think I would like to give skateboarding a try, too. It looks like a lot of fun.
geo85 Wrote:Aside from my renewed interest in comics I am taking guitar lessons from a Mr. Joe Fuco in my neighborhood, he has had recognition for his skill and has many awards and comondations. I have had my geetar for a year now and all its done is collect dust so I decided to fork over the $30 an hour so I could at least learn how to use it, I am working on learning how to play stuff like Bach, Beehtoven and Mozart on the guitar pretty fun hearing classical in a metal style. The only funny thing is that my boss and coworkers keep bugging my because I always have the finger gripmaster in my hand to strengthen my fingers.
That's really cool, I wish I could do that myself. However, been there, tried that, didn't work. My hands are small and my fingers aren't flexible at all so I had a really hard time reaching the upper most string. I just wasn't born to play guitar.

First of all, fencing has to one of the coolest hobbies I have heard on here, if for no other reason, because it is so inaccessible to me.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:As far as music goes you can find out what I've been listening to if you read my reply to the thread " The last music you bought" which I'm certain you did since you were the one who created it. :p
Yeah I do lol. In fact the two songs you stated from Gackt were the ones I was talking about when I said that I had found some of his stuff that was good.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:I also enjoy Hunter x Hunter a lot, Blight, but I must say I liked it better in the beginning (read 16 volumes so far). At a certain point the explanations on how their powers work just became too complex and boring. It got better again once they got into Greed Island, even if Yoshihiro Togashi still exagerates a bit everytime he explains how the card game works.
It turns into a card game...(cries). When dose that happen? Is it a focus of the story afterward? I thought the where supposed to hunt stuff, not 5 card stud each other to death.
I’m pretty sure I’m getting guitar for Christmas. It may be a sucky one, but beggars can’t be choosers after all. After that I’m goona were it out with practice. But sometime I have really got to get on my study of Japanese. I have forgot most of what I had learned before because I haven’t had the time to work on it. I am so friggen busy.
I am double-jointed and I have large hands so it's no problem for me, its just hard remembering all the cords. Man Mustane makes it look so easy.