Happy Birthday!!!
You're finally 16! That's a good age, in my opinion. Enjoy it!

hell yeah 16 is a great age. all the high school parties and chicks =) happy birthday hope you get that special present we all like.
Hey, happy birthday dude. Go get that drivers license and pick up some girls. But not the kind that require money.:p
Blight Wrote:Go get that drivers license and pick up some girls. But not the kind that require money.:p
Hey, thanks everyone. I did get some cool gifts, and 16 looks like it will be a fun age, so I'll be sure to enjoy it.
I don't know how late I am on this, but happy birthday man, love ya.
Happy birthday. Have a good one.
sorry, this is a late one.... happy birthday!
how ya had lots and lots of goodies.
happy birthday man. have a good one
Happy B-day, get smashed!