That's on the dreamcast right... I enjoyed that game very much...
But I just wanting for the RPG's to come back to the Gamecube...
Hell have you heard that they are going to make FFX sequal what the Fuck... and Yuna is shown carrying guns this is going to be crap...
I stopped playing the Final Fantasy franchise when it left Nintendo. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
It looks stupid, and it is the least deserving Final Fantasy. I think 7 deserved a sequel more. 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
FFX 2 is going to be as original as Blade 2!!! Vamp Hunter D BL Anyone???
8O :x :evil: ........ :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
ok yes blade 2 was a decent attempted at a sequal... And Bloodlust like it are not gave us another look at D and it was drawn better than any new anime I have seen in a long while... But FFX2 is so lame after years of never making a true sequal they are going to start with the least deserving... What the Fuck... Oh and just to throw this out there... BloodRayne Rocks she told a zombie "to fuck off" That was a sweet thing to hear a girl say Fuck in a Gamecube game.
Isn't that the game where you are a Nazi hunting vampire? :?
Final Fantasy X-2 will be decent. I have faith in Squaresoft.
Final Fantasy VII-2 is being talked about. It's a good possibility, being it is still one of the most popular games in the WORLD and Squaresoft's staff would like to do a sequel.
I'm surprised no one (or maybe they did and I didn't see it) mentioned Kingdom Hearts. It's a joint venture, sure, but I'll be the first to say it - that game is like fucking crack. I can't lay down the controller. 8O
I'm having the same "problem" with Suikoden III. The game is excellent. If you don't have it buy it. It is just that simple. I haven't played Kindom Hearts yet. I just have so much more on my plate. I will probably be one of the people 10 years from now going: " Wow this is the best game ever" ! I can see it happening.
8O 8O 8O
Let's see Kingdom Hearts has a fatal flaw for me....
Who in the hell is scared of a kid wielding a giant key for a weapon
and has donald *spits on him self* duck for a partner...
I would take a dump on his chest after I spread my man cheese on his face. So I guess I'm not scared of him. 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
That last post scares me. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Yes BloodRayne is a Dampier (spelled it wrong someone correct me) She is hot as hell, Cuss at anyone and anything, The CG's are great, Load time Sucks, (it was a straight port of the PS2 version was not optimzed for the Gamecube) There is a cheat code it is thus JuggyDanceSquad
It makes every Female in the game have much bigger tits and they Jiggle like jelly... I truely love this game and suggest it for all hell rent it you have that ablity which I do not...
I'm all for some titty jiggling but Nazis in Louisianna kinda scares me!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: