More than once I've heard Portuguese model scouts say that it's hard to find a supermodel among Portuguese women because they're (we're) not exotic enough, we're too "pureblooded" (hate this word!). However, to me that doesn't really make a lot of sense. Sure, to ourselves we're obviously not exotic but I'm certain we look exotic to someone, somewhere in the world, which brings me to the question I wanted to ask:
What is an exotic person to you?As I said, I believe exotism is a matter of perspective. To me an Asian person (from anywhere in Asia) is exotic, so is a nordic person and this because to me they're
Quote:Intriguingly unusual or different; excitingly strange
On the other hand African and Latin people aren't exotic to me because they're "common" (I mean no offense). I'm certain that to a nordic a blue eyed, blond person isn't all that exotic but perhaps an African person will be. People of mixed ethnicities will (like Adriana Lima or Tiger Woods), in my opinion, look exotic to almost everyone but obviously this isn't a rule.
Since there are quite a few people here from different ethnicities and nationalities I'd like to hear what you all have to say about this.
Had a scout tell you that? :p Its just an excuse they use because Portugese women are to small
Never really thought about it. I normally don't clasify persons as exotic or not. A girl to me either looks nice or doesn't and that could be of any shape, size, color or nationality. They're all over, even in Portugal
Ok, to me I think it would be a girl from another color since I can't imagine an exotic white girl (but I can imagine plenty of white supermodels). But that's probably because in my country exotic is used to indicate (people from) warm climates. I don't associate exotic with beauty. If you want to know what makes a girl beautiful to me, that's another question.
And as far as supermodels being exotic goes I think is BS. Those skin over bones women with the most minimal expression they can make aren't exotic.
EDIT: that girl in your avatar looks damn exotic btw.
elcoholic Wrote:Had a scout tell you that? :p Its just an excuse they use because Portugese women are to small
Never really thought about it. I normally don't clasify persons as exotic or not. A girl to me either looks nice or doesn't and that could be of any shape, size, color or nationality. They're all over, even in Portugal
Ok, to me I think it would be a girl from another color since I can't imagine an exotic white girl (but I can imagine plenty of white supermodels). But that's probably because in my country exotic is used to indicate (people from) warm climates. I don't associate exotic with beauty. If you want to know what makes a girl beautiful to me, that's another question.
And as far as supermodels being exotic goes I think is BS. Those skin over bones women with the most minimal expression they can make aren't exotic.
EDIT: that girl in your avatar looks damn exotic btw.
No, no scout told me that :p , I heard a couple of them say that on tv. And thank you for making me feel small Mr. Giant. :p
I don't associate exotism with beauty either, there are plenty of exotic people out there who aren't beautiful (and plenty of models who aren't beautiful either).
If you were talking about the girl in my banner (the avatar one is drawn so...), yes she is very exotic and very beautiful aswell, in my opinion, but believe me, she's as thin if not thinner than most models.
And just out of curiosity, what makes a girl beautiful to you?

Hmm, that is a tuffey. I haven?t thought about this. Native Americans, though there are few left, look very exotic to me. I think their skin tone is gorgeous. Asians I guess so too. Hell, if exotic means different that would be any one not white. There are a few people of African and Hispanic descent around where I live but I?m pretty isolated other than that. But, like you two, I don?t associate beauty with exoticness or whatever. If they look good, they look good. Plus, around where I live, I have not the option to be picky either, so I am sure that has had some affect on me. But I do think black hair is the sexiest hair color because I don?t see much of it. Is that part of being exotic? If it is then I guess it sways my opinion a little bit. I suppose I spoke a contradicting circle lol.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:African and Latin people aren't exotic to me because they're "common" .
Quote:Hmm, that is a tuffey
have you not been warned about the pink font about a million times by now?
vegeta76 Wrote:have you not been warned about the pink font about a million times by now?
damn ten characters...
Ahh, he's really back now. Seems like you already feel at home again in your new town BE. Just like you were before
Andromeda18_ Wrote:And just out of curiosity, what makes a girl beautiful to you? 
That's hard to write down actually since its different with every girl. And you start thinking about the perfect girl to explain it so i'll not go into that much detail. Well, besides all the stereotypes of an atractive body I really like a nice smile and a nice voice, I can fall for a girls voice. Pretty original huh?
We're talking purely first impressions here, the personality is ofcourse most imporatant in the long term

But if I hear a nice voice at the back of me I have to turn arround to see her smile

idk i never really look at a girl and say, "hmmmm o yeah she looks exotic" i guess that i don't really consider people to look exotic. back in the day before tv and when most people all looked the same around you, i could see people using exotic to describe people a lot. but now we see different types of people all the time and have a more diverse population.
This is one of those around and around topics because its all down to individual taste and preference, also its not necessaryily that all of one people look exotic because this is not the fact at all I have seen exotic women who were from guiena and china and brazil and columbia and some from africa, there is no one thing that makes someone pretty, its all individual taste.
That's just my point, it's a matter of personal opinion and above all perspective, so basicaly we're all exotic and none of us is exotic. It's just like what I was talking about with a Brazilian friend of mine the other day. For us, the fact that they don't wear a lot of clothes is very sexy because there's a lot of flesh showing but what she told me was that in Brazil they think we're very sexy because we wear more clothes, it leaves more to the imagination.
I only created this thread because I wanted to know other people's perspectives.
elcoholic Wrote:That's hard to write down actually since its different with every girl. And you start thinking about the perfect girl to explain it so i'll not go into that much detail. Well, besides all the stereotypes of an atractive body I really like a nice smile and a nice voice, I can fall for a girls voice. Pretty original huh?
We're talking purely first impressions here, the personality is ofcourse most imporatant in the long term
But if I hear a nice voice at the back of me I have to turn arround to see her smile
Yeah, that is original. But what do you consider a nice voice? If you're like Vicious, you like girl's with squeaky voices.

I've been thinking but I don't know how to explain that. I can't even explain in my own language, let alone in english. Its hard explaining a voice. Its not just one type of voice either. I guess it starts with clean language as in no dialect and it has to be a soft voice (no the nanny voices). I can't explain further but I know when I hear it.
elcoholic Wrote:as in no dialect
So basicaly, you're limited to Dutch women and not even all of them!

Hmmm.. I think exotic women have a really fierce look on their eyes... like that Victoria Secrets model that looks like she has cats eyes. I don't really think Asians are exotic, probably because I'm Asian and to me that look is normal. Oh yeah, I just saw the posters for the movie Memoirs of a Geisha and the girl's image is really beautiful.. the combination of blue eyes, red lipstick, pale skin, and black hair just looks really striking to me. I wouldn't call it exotic but it left an impression.
Homeless Joe Wrote:idk i never really look at a girl and say, "hmmmm o yeah she looks exotic" i guess that i don't really consider people to look exotic. back in the day before tv and when most people all looked the same around you, i could see people using exotic to describe people a lot. but now we see different types of people all the time and have a more diverse population.
I totally agree. Nowadays nobody stands out anymore as 'exotic' as there are so many different races living together and on tv etc etc. Plus I have been to a lot of places around the world. I guess there might be some far off race I have yet to see that I might think wow they look exotic. Maybe even a mix of races rarely seen or something. At the moment though it's been a while since i've thought of someone as exotic.