Well, I just got back from seeing doom in the theatre and I absoluely loved it. I am and have been a huge doom fan since the first game and I truly thought they did an excellent job. They slighty tweeked the story but you need to realize that doom has so little story that what they tweaked made it better. And the guys at id had total involvement so they signed off completely on it.
They did everything right, you got the uac on mars messing around with some stuff from an ancient mars civilization, you got the guns and the BFG ooorah, you got the marines shooting up the demons, the mars facility is soo close to the games its great, you got the amped doom music playing here and there, you got lots o blood and gore, and best of all, the fps sequence is not through the whole movie but it ties in with story and it is one the coolest sequences I have seen in a movie to date. When the dvd comes out I am going to take that fps sequence from the dvd and make a screen saver out if it, man I just cant stop saying ooorah!!!
And just so you know Fn ay is my of saying F***n great.
Nice I need to go see it

I really liked the movie. Went with like 7 people and only 1 didn't like it. Three things I woulda liked to have seen.
1) Demons are from Hell.
2) The opening doom 1 song during the fps part. =P That would been f'n awesome.
3) Marines in the costume from the game. Those marine uniforms are cool, the ones in the movie really arent.
Other than that awesome movie. Much better than expected.
It has the rock killing demons with large guns... how could you not liek it
does it have the guy who stands there and throws skulls at you?
vegeta76 Wrote:does it have the guy who stands there and throws skulls at you?
No, don't go expecting to see a bunch of demons from the game. There are really only two. One in the sewer and then one of the guys turns into the dog monster thing. Can't remember what either are called been too long since i've played any doom lol.
the dog thing is just called demon and i assume the one in the sewer is prolly an imp but i havnt seen the movie so...
Cidien Wrote:No, don't go expecting to see a bunch of demons from the game. There are really only two. One in the sewer and then one of the guys turns into the dog monster thing. Can't remember what either are called been too long since i've played any doom lol.
Who cares as long as theres demons it's gotta be cool

I saw it too. Average movie, reminded me alot of a cheap aliens flick. But the fps scene is one of the most awesome action scenes I've seen in a long time. Probably cause I like fps but I'd love to see that used in more movies.
It premieres here tomorrow. I wasn't thinking of watching it but a friend of mine wants to go and since he has nobody to go with him I told him I would. I hope it's a half decent movie.
elcoholic Wrote:I saw it too. Average movie, reminded me alot of a cheap aliens flick. But the fps scene is one of the most awesome action scenes I've seen in a long time. Probably cause I like fps but I'd love to see that used in more movies.
Totally agree. It was alien meets resident evil but only crappyer. If the fps scene wasn't there I would hate it.
Well, it's not a good movie but I can't say it's terrible either. It's definitely not the type of movie that does anything for me nowadays. Within the genre I think Resident Evil is quite better but maybe because I prefer the RE's type of combats to Doom's.
Has heaps of easter eggs that made me laugh while watching it.The first 2 character names used are dr carmack and john.
Wasnt a bad movie either.
(now back to my guitar hero)
Ugh! the DOOM movie was TERRIBLE!!! The first half was ok, then it just degrades into crap, the FPS scene is the worst thing about the movie, it drags it down even more so and is one of the worst scenes I've ever seen in a film..ugh such a bad movie.
You really don't seem to like anything. Must suck to be you.