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Gemini Wrote:he's not here anymore
Well, that sucks.
onizuka17711 Wrote:Well, that sucks.

it does suck. he passed away last month :*(.
so i never got to look for that cd. his mom came up from texas and gathered all his things.
Gemini Wrote:it does suck. he passed away last month :*(.
so i never got to look for that cd. his mom came up from texas and gathered all his things.

Im really sorry to hear thatSad
Gemini Wrote:it does suck. he passed away last month :*(.
so i never got to look for that cd. his mom came up from texas and gathered all his things.

Okay, I'm now going to throw myself off a bridge.
I'm really sorry for mentioning something I definitely shouldn't have mentioned and for what happened to your boyfriend. Hope you're hanging in there.
Gemini Wrote:it does suck. he passed away last month :*(.
so i never got to look for that cd. his mom came up from texas and gathered all his things.

:eek: I thought you just meant that he left, you know like the military or had things to do for a while. I'm really sorry.Sad But you seem like a strong woman, I'm sure you pull through even if its hard.Smile
thank you for all ur concerns, but i'm doing ok now.
hey Andromeda18, if ur going to jump off a bridge make sure u have a bungi cord. :p
its ok though.
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