Just a heads up guys, Gundam Seeed Perfect Edition has been released by MI, i have no photo for it at the moment since they forgot to send it (LoL), but the product code is as follows:
E0243* Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (1~6 End)*English Dub
D2155* Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny (1~6 End)* (eng sub)
Attached is the box for Destiny, kinda odd how they say its a perfect collection on the box

Um, destiny is neither completed nor is a single episode dubbed in english.
Also, where did you see this? Just looked all over and didn't find anything.
Ok I guess destiny was finished a couple weeks ago. It still isn't in english though.
thats..why i said..destiny..is subbed..
and, its easy to find MI info when they send it to you directly.
I see. Never mind then. =P
cant wait, alot of ppl have said its their fav. ive recently got bk into the gundam series' as theirs shit all on tv at 4 in the morning.
I think the Seed Destiny is Perfect because it includes multiple sub sets. That's the new thing they include eng/jap/chi/french/spanish etc.. and that makes them a perfect box.
Wont know though until i get my sets in this week from MI. I will post the cover to seed as soon as the big boxes arive.
But is the original Gundam SEED (not Destin y) set actually PERFECT?
yep seed is 6 disk with English/Japanese Selectable audio. B
Hmm, if the subs are good for destiny I think i'll have to pick that up.
When are these going to be available? I heard a lot of great things about Seed and I really want to see it. Haven't heard if Destiny is any good though.
Soon, they also just released a bunch of MAC stuff (reprinted) that they fixed menu glitches in and such.
I (like most retailers) should have them in within like 8 days. B