I don't like the new version of bit torrent; you can only download one thing at a time. Since I can't get the old version back, does anyone know of a different bit torrent client that allows downloading more than one thing at once? Thanks.
Get Bit Tornado. You can d/l as much as you want plus you can change your upload speeds.
Azureus is the most popular and most used client I believe. I have it and its great.
What client of yours only lets you dl 1 thing at a time? That's not right. Probably some setting that needs changing.
I use ABC (another bittorrent client) and love it.
It's based on Bit Tornado but I like the front end better.
i second Azurues.. but the other thing that is a must is the SafePeer plugin for Azurues.
i use ABC too, works great

elcoholic Wrote:What client of yours only lets you dl 1 thing at a time? That's not right. Probably some setting that needs changing.
Thanks, everyone.
No, that's all it will let you download. Everything else gets set on a list and waits until the current one is done before it will download. You can't open another bit torrent browser or change the settings, either. It sucks.
since were on the toppic of BT download programs, i have azures... its great, it will let me do multiples at once...but my problem with it is when i have it on...it KILLS my connection speed, it seriously takes me about 2 min to load ebay....does anyone know if this is normal, or if theres somthing wrong with it?
Nah that's normal. If you want more speed to browse the net temporarily set your max. upload and/or download speeds lower. Go to tools, configuration, transfers to do that. I also do this when I'm just uploading since it slows down than too.
elcoholic Wrote:Azureus is the most popular and most used client I believe. I have it and its great.
What client of yours only lets you dl 1 thing at a time? That's not right. Probably some setting that needs changing.
Just be warned, azureus uses java to work, so it likes to suck alot of ram from your system (not great if you don't have alot). Other then that, it's what i use as well. Before that i used to use bit tornado, but i prefer having a queue list, so i moved to azureus.
That is a limitation of TCP/IP protocal not Azureus. do like elcoholic does is reduce your upload cap.
I have a 384kb/s upload speed so i set mine to 30Kb/s upload speeds in azerus and it doesn't affect my download or webpage loading times at all.. I generally do 75% of your upload bandwidth..
FYI your ISP will give your bandwidth speeds to you in Bits while Azerues and all programs report speeds in Bytes and 8 bits = 1 bytes so if your ISP tells you that you have a 128kb/s upload speed dividte it by 8 so your true upload speed is 16Kb/s so i would put it at about 12Kb/s upload..
thanks for the fix, it works fine now