Hello All - I'd been buying Saint Seiya R1 DVDs from ADV until they stopped at Vol 12 (Eps 60). I emailed ADV and they told me that they didn't have plan to release the continuation. I guess Saint Seiya doesn't do too well here in the States. I've been browsing sites to find the rest of the series. I found MI version, AV version, and an unknown at Ebay. The Ebay version is from HK and it contains all episodes (26 discs total for all TV episodes and 4 movies ). Any of you know the quality of these imported versions especially the Ebay version i.e. subtitle? I attached the link to the Ebay version. Thanks in advance for the helps!
august Wrote:Hello All - I'd been buying Saint Seiya R1 DVDs from ADV until they stopped at Vol 12 (Eps 60). I emailed ADV and they told me that they didn't have plan to release the continuation. I guess Saint Seiya doesn't do too well here in the States. I've been browsing sites to find the rest of the series. I found MI version, AV version, and an unknown at Ebay. The Ebay version is from HK and it contains all episodes (26 discs total for all TV episodes and 4 movies ). Any of you know the quality of these imported versions especially the Ebay version i.e. subtitle? I attached the link to the Ebay version. Thanks in advance for the helps!
I can't help you on the Ebay auction, other than it's not a bad price even with shipping, and they do have a guarantee, which is exchange only... so if you have a bad disk, they would replace it.
I do have the MI version of all but epi. 11-13 of the Hades Sanctuary which are fansubs.... for the most part the video isn't perfect, but it is typical of HK's, nowhere near on par as the R1 releases, subs are understandable with the occasional mis-spelling, and if I recall correctly (I've only watched most of the gold series one, and just spot checked the rest of them) most of the names are correct... I have a total of 20 disks, with the fansubs being a vcd... for a total of 127 episodes & 4 movies, so the Ebay auction one with 26 disks should have fairly decent video if they didn't cram them onto DVD5's. (I figure 4 movies on 4 disks, (although mine are all on 1 disk) with 127 epi. divided by 22 disks equal 5 to 6 episodes per disk... which might be ok for a DVD5... ) I have a HK set of Hikaru no Go that only has 5 to 6 episodes per disk and the video is pretty darn good!!
Thanks for the info that ADV isn't going to release the entire series... I had thought about picking it up but since I knew it was a very long series, didn't want to start it, now that I know it won't be completed, then there's no reason to spend my money on the R1's... laugh...
Anyway, hope that helps somewhat...

I really appreciate your helps. Thanks a lot!
I have my eyes on the MI version for a while. Will decide between MI and Ebay auction soon.