well idk if you guys remember me, i've been gone for a while, not sure how long, months maybe. but i think i've finally regained my soul, stole it back from the wretched black hands which have held it for so long. let me warn you people.....WOW also known as world of warcraft is the devil's trap. he uses it to steal your soul and make play endless hours on a game you can never win, it's just an endless cycle of ninja loots and hearths. anyways did you guys watch that Bleach release? how bad did those subs suck? i was upset.
Welcome back and yes, I remember you.
Haha, welcome back Joe. It seems there are alot of people all over dissapearing after starting WOW. good thing I don't play pc games. Tiss the devils tool
Welcome back to the save and secure anime world.
been a while, welcome back
Welcome back man. The WoW demon is trying to take my soul as well. Luckily the demon isn't 1/10000 as powerful as the Everquest demon used to be. I still have a bit of a life now, especially since i'm single. Of course that gererally translates into more WoW time lol.
i never played everquest but i heard good things. this was my first pc game. well anyways i'm glad to be back and it's good to see you guys are still around.
You have indeed been gone for a very long time! Glad you're back!
I have a friend who's also completely addicted to WOW. He himself say's he feels anxious and jittery when he's not playing the game. And when he's not working or sleeping all he does is play the damn game!
I like playing online games but I just don't get addicted. In fact I don't seem to get addicted to anything (excluding chemically addicting stuff which I've never even tried). I suppose I just like too many things which means I never do one thing long enough to get addicted.
yeah i never thought it be so into it. but it slowly draws you in....and you have to make connections with people on the game to get into good guilds and do good runs, it's insane. but i've been cutting back now didn't play all weekend