Anyone else watched much of this show? I've heard how good it is and had to check it out. Been renting the dvds. Just finished season 1.
Two things I wanted to happen did at the end, and I couldn't believe it. First I wanted Palmer to leave his wife. Done. Second I wanted Jacks wife to leave or die. Done. Not very nice of me but man she was annoying as hell. She really needed to shut her mouth and sit down throughout most the series and she just wouldn't do it! On to season 2. =P
I just started watching 24 with the last season that aired I think that was season 3 or 4, great show, I have been watching the season 1 reruns on a&e.
Season 1 has subtitles but no chapter breaks. Retarded.
Season 2 has chapter break but no subtitles. Insanely retarded.
Wtf is wrong with these people that make the dvd releases. Is it really hard not to fuck things up like that? Make a checklist. Did you put those 2-3 things on the dvd? No? PUT THEM ON IT!
Dumb people.
Cidien Wrote:Season 1 has subtitles but no chapter breaks. Retarded.
Season 2 has chapter break but no subtitles. Insanely retarded.
Wtf is wrong with these people that make the dvd releases. Is it really hard not to fuck things up like that? Make a checklist. Did you put those 2-3 things on the dvd? No? PUT THEM ON IT!
Dumb people.
I agree. It seems like on every single DVD I get there is a problem that could have been avoided so easily. Warner Bros. is known for that especially. But on 24, Jack's wife almost made me stop watching. She was so annoying and was ugly as sin. They could have at least made her a hot nagging wife. Season 2 was a big improvement without her.
Kim is a little annoying too. SPOILER again...
Like when at the beginning of second season her dad calls and tells her that hes been called into CTU and she needs to leave the city right away. So what does she do? Yell at him and hang up on him without letting him explain. Your dad works at friggin CTU - you should probably listen to what he has to say!
Cidien Wrote:Kim is a little annoying too. SPOILER again...
Like when at the beginning of second season her dad calls and tells her that hes been called into CTU and she needs to leave the city right away. So what does she do? Yell at him and hang up on him without letting him explain. Your dad works at friggin CTU - you should probably listen to what he has to say!
Yea, if my dad fought terrorism and he told me to get out I wouldn't even care why. I would get my ass out of there in a second. She took offense to it though which kind of made me mad. I mean how couldn't she figure out that maybe her dad had a good reason for telling her to leave. 'Hmm my dad calls me from work, which is a counter terrorism agency, and tells me to leave the city for my safety but instead I'll be a little bitch and make his job harder and more stressful'. I know I take this show way too seriously. I could go on for days about her. Maybe she was on her period though.
Sorry to hijack this thread.. as few post as of lately has made me think about this plus this is the way i like to do Spoilers i have added new Bbcode to automatically change the font color to that as the post background.. check it out here
(wow i really get bored sometimes at work)
[spoiler] Schults has way too much time on his hands. P.S. cool idea [/spoiler]
Cidien Wrote:[spoiler] Schults has way too much time on his hands. P.S. cool idea [/spoiler]
Now to just get people to actually use them.. and yes the shift i am working now not alot goes on.. soo boring
[spoiler]Not a bad trick but I doubt people will use it...[/spoiler]
[spoiler] Trust the chinese to F**K things up, I wonder how they will bring Jack back [/spoiler].
Ok that did not pertain to season 1 lol.
Wonder if there is any way for us to change "Highlight to read" to whatever we want like "Season 4 info" so we can be more specific in it for our spoilers. Could always just say so above it though.
Puppet Master Wrote:[spoiler]Not a bad trick but I doubt people will use it...[/spoiler]
Yea but i will edit posts to add it. and plus i will use it so doesn't bother me.. ;o)
This show is probably the best thing I have seen on tv EVER. I got into it this last season and I somehow managed to watch the seasons backwards. I just recently watched the first season. I really enjoyed the first season, probably my fave of all 4. I cannot wait for season 5.
BTW, hi to everyone. I haven't been here for a while.