I don't believe the sale happening at We B Toys right now. They are blowing out tons of video games for only $15 each. Not just garbage games either. Full Metal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell, Eye Toy racer (whatever it's called) with the eye toy, Taiko Drumming (with the drums), Finding Nemo and a whole bunch of other stuff.
This is $15 Canadian dollars to top it off.
They have games for all consoles on this crazy sale. My game collection just doubled.
That's cool, but you didn't list a single game I don't consider "trash". GITS is ok I guess but it's almost too dissapointing to play.
We B Toys? Is that not improper english? XD sorry that just caught my eye;
congratz on finding a good deal

sadly I've gotta new girl; we go on 2-4 dates a week & so my game collection is stuck just short of 50 PS2 games -_-; but it'll reach 50 as soon as the last two games I pre-ordered are out.
I wish i could find 50 ps2 games i wanted i think i stop at about 15 i have way more ps1 games then ps2 but then again ps1 games are much better when it comes to rpg's unless your talking imports of course
Not really there's just more of them because the system was out longer. There are a lot of great ps2 rpgs.
I don't even know what that store is, but DAMN! Those are quite the deals! Mostly when i payed full price for GITS and FMA (though i don't mind, since i love both anyway)
Another good place to check is Walmarts $18.83 bin. Since sometimes the games scan in at $9.83. I picked up the first Viewtiful Joe for that price, and i got Baten Kaitos for $18.83 a few weeks back.
Cool deal on Viewtiful Joe... that was a great game.
We B Toys is my slang for Toys R Us. I stole it from some comedian back in the 80s.
I was shocked to pick up Gran Tourismo 4 for only $16 this week as well. Now I just have to find time to actually play some of these games.
I heard about the GT4 deal, i thought it was over a few weeks back? Anyway, next time i'm in St. Catharines, i'm gonna head off to their Toys R Us and see what kind of sweet deals they have at mine.
Hastings has been running used games for cheap lately. A good number of them are 9.99.
I picked up Killzone the other day for 5.99.
Ive also seen
Both Maximo games
Max Payne 2
Bard's Tale
Twisted Metal Black
and Madden 05 CE
all for 9.99 used
Worth a look i think
Zagatto Wrote:Cool deal on Viewtiful Joe... that was a great game.
We B Toys is my slang for Toys R Us. I stole it from some comedian back in the 80s.
I was shocked to pick up Gran Tourismo 4 for only $16 this week as well. Now I just have to find time to actually play some of these games.
By the way, do you have any clue if the Toys R Us deal is still going on? Cause now i'm pissed that i missed out on it (especially after reading all the games that WERE $15 on some other website). One person said it ended at the end of september, but there are still people talking about it now.
I was just in there yesterday and it looks like the killer sale is over now... not even GT4 is super cheap any more.
Sorry to be the bearer of late news.
No problem... turns out that in October they've put up a NEW list of $15 games. Though some of last months were still ringing in cheap.
So i still managed to pick up Shadow Hearts: Covenant (one of my favorite rpgs in the last few years... before only my brother had it, so i had to borrow it from him). And for my brother i snagged Gungrave: Overdose and Fullmetal Alchemist.
If i didn't have it already, i would have picked up spy fiction as well for that price :p
Either way, it IS a sweet deal, though their online selection was soooo much better (online they have devil may cry 3, haunting ground, etc all listed at $15)