i'm talking about the icons that indicate which studio produced the disc in the dvd review charts (i.e. mac, fx etc...). it's slightly confusing without a clear-cut legend, especially the "A" icons
Put your mouse over them....
actually that only works in the item view and not actually on the dvd listing page..
Schultz Wrote:actually that only works in the item view and not actually on the dvd listing page..
on the listings page you can right click on the icon, go to properties, & look at the image location, as it doesn't have alt text. The only one that doesn't have the whole name as far as I know is AC..which is Anime Cartoons or something, right?
Also you could say ACMac doesn't because it uses AC..
thanks for the suggestions, but i would still like this brief info added to the faq
well it won't be done for a while as i am going outta town for the next week. and not sure when i could or anything else. through there is a good thread posted in the Anime Discussion about the different studios..