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Does anyone know a place where I could download/print full dvd covers (front, side and back)? The best size of course would be 1:1 with the real thing, but other sizes are good too.

But let me explain the situation as well. I loved Lunar Legend Tsukihime and at last the dvd's are coming out where I live, Europe. I finally found the first two dvd's (the third one isn't even out yet) on eBay, but they're only the dvd's, so the boxes are missing. The dvd's were review copies so no box was with them in the first place, but to put the dvd's with my other dvd's I need the covers (empty boxes are easy to get). The auction goes on for about a week, but before then I'd like to know whether or not I can find the covers.
I live in the Netherlands and in my country it's really hard to get anime anyway, so I'd love to buy the dvd's and print the covers myself.

So what I'm looking for are the covers of the first two dvd's of Lunar Legend Tsukihime (the European R2 covers would be best, but any other might do too). It would be best if someone who owns those dvd's would contact me and send me scans of the covers, but a site is also great.

Thanks in advance for the help.
You might try to see if they have it. DVDCoverArt was shut down (which is a major dissapointment, as that was an amazing sity), so there is little places left.
Checked it just now. They don't have it. Any other suggestions are welcome.
TorrentReactor have started doing covers, don't know how good they are though.