It is kinda hard to stay up with news on the music industry, but I found something that i just had to share, because it is truly defying of the perception of Christians that a lot of (idiotic and stereotyping) people have.
New Rock News provided by LaunchDaily
Although religious groups in Croatia are protesting the arrival of Marilyn Manson for a concert there on August 22nd, one priest is actually defending the shock-rocker. According to Reuters, Catholic priest Anton Bobas told a Croatian newspaper that Manson would not "turn young people into Satanists and drug addicts in the two hours of his act." The cleric added that most of the people who protest Manson have never even heard his music or seen his show. Bobas himself leads a heavy metal band called Messengers Of Hope.
Although Bobas saw Manson three years ago in Hamburg, Germany, and said it was the best concert he'd ever been to, he did not recommend that anyone should attend the show in Croatia.
Christian groups are trying to get Manson's concert in the town of Pula banned, while seven other Catholic priests have offered to pay the organizers to cancel the show.
And while the ?idiotic and stereotyping? people are some what justified by the moron town?s people, the priest delivers a far more pertinent point than the morons do. It should also be mentioned that I hate Marilyn Manson, but he should be allowed to perform and do what he wants as long as it isn't like carving up a sacrifice on stage, or anything else with-in reason.
Blight Wrote:And while the ?idiotic and stereotyping? people are some what justified by the moron town?s people, the priest delivers a far more pertinent point than the morons do. It should also be mentioned that I hate Marilyn Manson, but he should be allowed to perform and do what he wants as long as it isn't like carving up a sacrifice on stage, or anything else with-in reason.
I really wish spaces would be counted as characters
Damn there always seems to be someone willing to complain about something they know nothing about. Christian protesters seem to piss me off more than anything else... That preist sounds cool though.
Thanks Blight, that's some awsome news

Although I should suggest that you listen to his music; I hated him for so long jsut because of his image, but when a time hit that I was tired of poking in the dark for good indie bands, & everything mainstream was played out bullsh!t, I decided to give his music anther listen & I like most of it. Some is a little repetive & lame, but I've yet to hear many of his songs actually make him out to sound like an anti-christ, you know save for the song anti-christ rockstar
Even my dad like Manson, but he can only listen to it when Mom's not home. She doesn't mind me listening to it, nor my sister, but she doesn't feel it's aporpret for my father to.
Which I kinda think that my father likes most of the music I listen to (these days), but he's worried with his image as an adult..
gubi-gubi Wrote:Damn there always seems to be someone willing to complain about something they know nothing about. Christian protesters seem to piss me off more than anything else... That preist sounds cool though.
Your right, I just wish people would see them as idiots first and Christians second in this matter. It is like the somewhat bad image Islam garners because of a few moronic extremists. Do all Islamic people do the horrible things that are aired on the 6:00 news? Of course not; you just have to see that religion on an idiot still leaves you with an idiot. Having faith is not an excuse for being one, and should not generalize people?s views of those who follow certain faiths. But that is just hopeless dreaming on my part at this point. I doubt the world will every truly embrace our differences from one another; just see them as a dividing line.
This reminds me of a nearby college (my schools rival) having to change their name. They are called the fighting sioux and have a picture of an indians head as their logo. Some jackass native americans with nothing better to do somehow convinced the board it was racist and now they have to change the name and all 3000+ logo at the ralph englestad arena...
This would not be happening if ralph was alive. =/ They tried doing that in I think 2000 when he was building the arena and he told them to go ahead if they didn't want a brand new shiny arena. That's another thing I think is funny about that arena. It's nicer than most professional arenas lol. He spent so much money on it.. he's probably rolling over in his grave right now.
Cidien Wrote:Agreed.
This reminds me of a nearby college (my schools rival) having to change their name. They are called the fighting sioux and have a picture of an indians head as their logo. Some jackass native americans with nothing better to do somehow convinced the board it was racist and now they have to change the name and all 3000+ logo at the ralph englestad arena...
This would not be happening if ralph was alive. =/ They tried doing that in I think 2000 when he was building the arena and he told them to go ahead if they didn't want a brand new shiny arena. That's another thing I think is funny about that arena. It's nicer than most professional arenas lol. He spent so much money on it.. he's probably rolling over in his grave right now.
Yeah, you don't see Celtic people, or people from Norway getting pissed off about our sport team names do you? I hate the new way that people are trying to be "Politically Correct." It makes the differences we have into stronger separations when we feel that something can't people said, or done because it COULD offend someone.
Like the rebel flag. People say it is racist and that is bullshit. How many people fought and died under that battle flag? How many people both black and white fought and died under that war banner? Is it right to ignore certain parts of the past just because it makes some people uncomfortable? Fuck no it ain't. That flag, which was never an official flag of the confederacy mind you, just a battle flag, is representing of the great struggle our country went through in its infancy, not representative of slavery. The only protest I have every attended was when they took down the Rebel at the Battle Field museum in my town. It is a civil war battle site for fucks sake! I could rant about this for ever, but I'll stop now.
Cidien Wrote:Agreed.
This reminds me of a nearby college (my schools rival) having to change their name. They are called the fighting sioux and have a picture of an indians head as their logo. Some jackass native americans with nothing better to do somehow convinced the board it was racist and now they have to change the name and all 3000+ logo at the ralph englestad arena...
This would not be happening if ralph was alive. =/ They tried doing that in I think 2000 when he was building the arena and he told them to go ahead if they didn't want a brand new shiny arena. That's another thing I think is funny about that arena. It's nicer than most professional arenas lol. He spent so much money on it.. he's probably rolling over in his grave right now.
I'm baised on that subject; born & raised to a degree into Indian cultures; but really I don't like how FSU the college uses the seminole as their image, Hell our capital of Flordia still uses an Indian name, which I don't mind..
Blight Wrote:How many people both black and white fought and died under that war banner?
Not a whole lotta willing black people...
Cidien Wrote:Not a whole lotta willing black people...
Does it change the fact that they fought and died? Does it mean that we should ignore their valor and bravery? Does it mean we should forget their role in the defining war for our country's wholeness?
Look at it this way: say you were drafted into a war, went and fought and died, then now one gave a damn cause you didn't go willingly.
Blight Wrote:Look at it this way: say you were drafted into a war, went and fought and died, then now one gave a damn cause you didn't go willingly.
That's the thing; if I were drafted and didn't want to go, I'd skip out. Besides, even if I did go willingly, I wouldn't expect people to care/respect me.
onizuka17711 Wrote:Besides, even if I did go willingly, I wouldn't expect people to care/respect me.
I wouldn?t either, especially if I was forced to go, but I sure wouldn't want people to disrespect my death by ignoring that it ever happened and trying to forget it on purpose. But if you bring up the disrespect to soldiers issue, you have to mention Vietnam. Weather you are/were for it or against it, the way the returning soldiers where treated by protesters was just plain bullshit. If they didn't want to fight and dodged their draft, whatever, but don?t treat those who did go like shit cause you didn't like what the government made them do...damn rants changing my point again. So back to what I mean, is that you don?t have hold a big ass celebration in honor of the civil war dead, but don?t try to erase or cover up the significance of the past.
I think the problem with the Confederate flag is that many racists use it as a banner to unite under. The issue may not be what it once stood for, but how people see it now.
onizuka17711 Wrote:I think the problem with the Confederate flag is that many racists use it as a banner to unite under. The issue may not be what it once stood for, but how people see it now.
I see that point, but I ask how many people also unite under the U.S. Flag for the same thing, thinking that Americans are only white, and every one else is a foreigner? And how many terrorists use their countries flag thinking that they are the ones who will deliver their country from foreign influence. Think about it. It isn't a racist symbol, it a symbol of historical value being desecrated by racists. So they are thieves in addition to racists.
I'd say we should stone the protestors who treated the soldiers so badly or something but we'd be losing a lotta people. There were a damn lot of stupid people at that time. I'm so glad I wasn't alive during that time. If I saw someone nowadays spit on a soldier or something I would beat the shit out of them.