Added 2 new EZDVD releases to store, they will be ready to ship next week!
- Full Metal Alchemist Part 1
- Full Metal Alchemist Part 2
and yes! Inu Yasha Part 5 and Wolf's Rain going to be available soon!
Thanks jj, Inuyasha part 5! You've made my day, can't wait to get hold of that set.
I have to say I'm in agreement over Inu Yasha Part 5 being released. I'm throgouhly pleased to see more frequent releases from EZDVD. Let's hope they keep 'em coming!
i've been wanting to get my hands on wolf's rain.
Krakhed01, what anime is your avatar from? I like the art and it looks interesting. I might want to pick up the series that it is from lol

My sig/ava are from the anime and manga series Flame of Recca. The anime series is just now getting dubbed by Ciz, but the dub is mediocre. Read the manga though, cuz it's awesome.