You have been peeled off, lol. But that's cool. Congratulations; I guess hard work does pay off in the end.
CONGRATS Ka-ta!!!!!! I'm glad you fnally got those test results back! :p

news worth not just quoting someone else this time:p
Thanks guys!!!
Yeah, I was originally told that I wouldn't find out until Decmeber...but low and behold, the commander called my name this morning!!! I guess since Schultz is in MN, Evleyn and I will go out and have dinner some place nice!
Woot nice! Grats! Officer School looking more promising? =D
Ka-Talliya Wrote:Thanks guys!!!
Yeah, I was originally told that I wouldn't find out until Decmeber...but low and behold, the commander called my name this morning!!! I guess since Schultz is in MN, Evleyn and I will go out and have dinner some place nice!
Are you implying you'd go to McDonalds were he there?

You go girl!
The only thing I remember from military dinners is that when it comes to tuxedos that tails are restricted to admirals... keep that in mind for your next full dress dinner...
I won't be going to a full dress dinner...ever, if I can help it. Officer School..yeah, not so much. And if Schultz had been home, we probably would have had a home cooked meal...made by me.
No full dress dinners?
Those were my favourite part of Reb being in the Navy.
Of course, she was an officer and I spent most of my time hanging out with officers that she knew...
Still, those guys knew how to party and everyone looks pretty swank all dressed up. Then again, you looked pretty hot dressed up for LSI's wedding too.
Yeah, full dress dinners I would have to wear my full dress blues...which, by the way, look dumb as shit!! I want to wear a dress to those things, but noooooo...that's not allowed!!