Aug 5th is when I get to go back, I am very happy this is my last year of college. I am burnt around the edges, have student loans to pay back and need to start the early job searching again soon such fun
Mantis421 Wrote:Aug 5th is when I get to go back, I am very happy this is my last year of college. I am burnt around the edges, have student loans to pay back and need to start the early job searching again soon such fun
Ouch student loans that really sucks I got lucky in that aspect because I won't have to pay for college at all. Only problem I have had is pressure from family at times which is a real pain in the ass. But man your lucky to be almost done I just started 2 days ago and im already going nuts...
I don't feel to bad about the student loans because mine are going to total around 25K total for all my college time. I have a cousin in California who was set on USC she has been there for 2 years already and her student loans already are near 60K I think. I didn't mind the community college/Tech college thing to me its the same education just not at the high end price
Mantis421 Wrote:I don't feel to bad about the student loans because mine are going to total around 25K total for all my college time. I have a cousin in California who was set on USC she has been there for 2 years already and her student loans already are near 60K I think. I didn't mind the community college/Tech college thing to me its the same education just not at the high end price
60 thousand!? DAMN You did get off easy compared to her
Wow 60 gs thats a lot, my loans total to 18 thou. What the hell is she studying to toal 60 after 2 years, what is she taking 50 credits a semester.
She take out a loan for every taco, pizza and hamburger she buy too or what?
Naw she is a good girl but my aunt really raised her with the spoiled little girl type thing and she spends spends spends. I think she still thinks the rich attractive man will come along and she wont have to work again idea toward life
Can you guys just keep taking more loans out as you go along? I don't think you can do that in the UK. We get set an amount and then get installments through the year. Mine is 4000 Pounds a year. I don't have to pay tuition fees though which is lucky.
You get so much in student loans, I think you can apply for more. You can get enough to cover tuition book and even a place to stay for the while you are in school. You're just gonna have to pay a crapload back when you graduate...
geo85 Wrote:Wow 60 gs thats a lot, my loans total to 18 thou. What the hell is she studying to toal 60 after 2 years, what is she taking 50 credits a semester.
Those elite private universities like USC and Stanford are expensive. 60 gs is not a lot for 2 years there.
Mantis421 Wrote:I think she still thinks the rich attractive man will come along and she wont have to work again idea toward life
tell her good luck with that.
I have finally joined the cool people who paruse websites while at work.

I work for the school's computer helpdesk. class list:
Japanese 101
some Java course
basically Public Speaking
Comn 266 Radio production
Spanish 202
Welcome to the club Gohan