I checked to see if this post would violate any rules and I didnt see any rules against it, but if so Im sorry and you can remove it.
Anyway here it goes. I had all 26 episodes of Samurai Champloo fansub(Anime-Forever) on my computer. Now some how, all of a sudden, without warning, unexpectently(I could go on like this forever) they are gone. Anyway my question is if anyone out there wouldnt mind sending me a copy of them, either via IM or even mail or at very least knows somewhere I dl them please let me know. I will pay for shipping charges and cost of disc if you want to mail it. Please someone help me out.
Thanks for your time and effort.
surfrider777 Wrote:I checked to see if this post would violate any rules and I didnt see any rules against it, but if so Im sorry and you can remove it.
Anyway here it goes. I had all 26 episodes of Samurai Champloo fansub(Anime-Forever) on my computer. Now some how, all of a sudden, without warning, unexpectently(I could go on like this forever) they are gone. Anyway my question is if anyone out there wouldnt mind sending me a copy of them, either via IM or even mail or at very least knows somewhere I dl them please let me know. I will pay for shipping charges and cost of disc if you want to mail it. Please someone help me out.
Thanks for your time and effort.
Try Bearshare or
http://www.boxtorrents.com (or boxtorrent.com, I can never remember which :p ). Hope that helps...I'd try to burn you a copy, but as electronics/computers hae me, I'm afraid that's never going to happen...
Thanks Ill check that out.
Thanks I was wondering where I could download champloo!

But why is this in the trading section?:confused:
Yup Boxtorrents.com had Samurai Champloo.
Thanks, it been awhile since Ive been to there site I kinda forgot to check there.

I've been getting mine off DC++. I got like 12 eps in next to no time. Getting the rest tonight. Damn it's such a good series!
gubi-gubi Wrote:I've been getting mine off DC++. I got like 12 eps in next to no time. Getting the rest tonight. Damn it's such a good series!
The ending kinda sucks though, in my opinion...
onizuka17711 Wrote:The ending kinda sucks though, in my opinion...
I thought the ending was pretty well done, but it does kinda suck. Hard to say more without spoilers for everyone lol. It does at least kinda leave it open for another series though. Although I doubt they will. =/
Cidien Wrote:I thought the ending was pretty well done, but it does kinda suck. Hard to say more without spoilers for everyone lol. It does at least kinda leave it open for another series though. Although I doubt they will. =/
...which is exactly why it sucked. They're never going to continue the series. Our only hope is that there will be a manga of it that continues the story. The ending is NOT how Newtype acted like it would be...