Hi. I've been downloading bleach for like a month now maybe more. But It just finished and when I loaded the first episode all i get is pixelation. This happend when I just downloaded the first episode aswell but thought it was just that file was corrupted. Does anybody know if there is a way to fix this or what. I have the Gordian Knot codexes but i'm not sure if there are others out there.
Can anybody help?:confused:
1) How many eps of bleach did there end up being? I've been downloading it for a long time and burning it to cd waiting for the series to end before I start watching it but I havn't for a few months now.
2) Download eps from bearshare or something. That's where I get mine and i've watched the first ep no problem. Get the lunar one, that's what I have.
They are the first 1-25 epsiodes and Luner. I got them from animesuki if I remember correctly.
Lionheart Wrote:They are the first 1-25 epsiodes and Luner. I got them from animesuki if I remember correctly.
what's the file type?
Lionheart Wrote:I have the Gordian Knot codexes but i'm not sure if there are others out there.
Download a program calles gspot. It will tell you what codecs are needed to play the file and if you have them installed.
Thanks gubi-gubi, it turns out I didn't have xvid! Everything works now tho!

If you only have 25 episodes than you neither have them all nor do I think it's complete. I have 30something episodes and havn't downloaded for a while.
sometimes when a torrent is downloaded it gets corrupt especially over along period of time - which can make it pixilate-, search for another group that sharing it- example Lunar or Anime-keep . Baka-updates.com is another site as well as anime-source.com , thay can have many of the same down loads as well as one may have it before Animesuki has it - believe me their are tons of download sites or groups as well as these three. . also they may put out other versions of a bad download , if someone brings it to their attentioin !
Cidien Wrote:??
If you only have 25 episodes than you neither have them all nor do I think it's complete. I have 30something episodes and havn't downloaded for a while.
I know they are not complete, i'm just starting out with the first 25 for now.
puzzleguy Wrote:sometimes when a torrent is downloaded it gets corrupt especially over along period of time - which can make it pixilate-, search for another group that sharing it- example Lunar or Anime-keep . Baka-updates.com is another site as well as anime-source.com , thay can have many of the same down loads as well as one may have it before Animesuki has it - believe me their are tons of download sites or groups as well as these three. . also they may put out other versions of a bad download , if someone brings it to their attentioin !
Umm did i read you right? your saying Bittorrent gets corrupted? You might wanna learn how Bittorrent and P2P clients work.. They have hash's for individual files and make sure they are the same exact.. If you think something got messed up all you have to do is reload the torrent and put it in save dir.. Bittorrent will examine your files and compare them if any chunk is not valid it will redownload that single piece..
That is the thing that is best about bittorrent when you download a torrent you know what are you going to be getting unlike people filling other networks with garbage and renaming them.
but back on topic if anything i would recommend to all users to download and install FFDShow its a universale DirectShow video decoder and decodes most all formats.. saves yea a lot of headaches..