I dont want to make enemys so just know I am not attacking anyone in peticular.
Whats the deal with muffin top????????????
I don't get it. Does anyone here have any incite on this matter? Do they just not have any pants that fit, or maybe they want to make their butt look good in tight jeans but dont realize that the spillage removes any attention from their ass.
Also I love women, that being a statement of many layers no one being in any way dirogatory. But skirts though they look good but when they are of an extremly short nature atract attention of only one kind and ususally from those who you would rather not get any attention from at all.
I keep seeing young girls in ages ranging from 10-20 wearing increasingly shorter skirts. Whats worse many of them have not been told that they might find it better if they would cross their legs. I hate to see a very young girl on the bus wearing a very short skirt not crossing her legs and seeing some creep staring at her. That pisses me off. Do women really think they should have to wear short skirts to atract guys and if not do these girls want old men staring between their legs.
Am I the only one bothered here.
I dont want to sound sexest or anything so any incite from the women on this site would be nice.
I myself prefer the business look though, ya know the striped dress pants thing, classy.
You know normally I think the same when I see tat, although I must admit today I was eating out & about when I noticed a small girl wearing a skirt, now er ok, my hand is wider from pinky to thumb, than her skirt was long. I'm sad to had she have not been 12 I probably would've tried to take a peek -_- curisocity killedthe cat, I could careless what I was to see, it's just the fact that there;s something to be seen..
Which also reminds me, a tomboy is a scort is just as bad, tomboys tend to like to sit with their legs, wer how to put it, like men, this is not smart to do even if there are those whatever you call them built in short bottoms or whatever, because you can still see up the skirt; it was by accident that I realised this.
And now after I've done nothing but negatively standed about the same point as you I'll jest of the subject:
It's like jimmy Urine says: "Five year old panty shot, my life has meaning when she spreads her legs."
ok, I think I'll repost on here tomarrow when my brain is actually fuctioning.
I like short skirts :p ... Though, you see a lot of people that shouldn't be dressing like that...dressing like that; it's gross.
Three things with short skirts piss me off.
1) Girls that wear them then complain guys stare at them. This applies to items like low cut shirts as well. Those people should be thrown into the middle of a lake. With sharks. Special freshwater sharks. I'm need to go to bed. Anyways...
2) Girlfriends that dress like skanks then tell their boyfriend they dress that way only for themselves. They should be thrown into a tank of water. With sea bass that have laser beams attached to their heads.
3) I don't remember. I'm going to bed now.
Cidien Wrote:Three things with short skirts piss me off.
1) Girls that wear them then complain guys stare at them. This applies to items like low cut shirts as well. Those people should be thrown into the middle of a lake. With sharks. Special freshwater sharks. I'm need to go to bed. Anyways...
2) Girlfriends that dress like skanks then tell their boyfriend they dress that way only for themselves. They should be thrown into a tank of water. With sea bass that have laser beams attached to their heads.
3) I don't remember. I'm going to bed now.
I so agree with #1. If I want attention I dress that way. If not I don't, plain and simple. Girls that dress that way in a relationship . . . . you never can tell. I loved my Ronnie but I still dressed the way I wanted because I was comfortable with myself. My current ex husband, I try not to dress sexy at all. It all depends on the situation and the chick.
love pre
One thing that always confuses me is when a guy is attracted to a girl that dresses like a skank before they start dating. Then, after they've been dating a while, he doesn't want her dressing like a skank any more. It's like he doesn't want to be dating this girl that he started going out with.
On the flip side of that are women that will only dress like that to draw in a man and then start dressing conservatively once they are in a relationship. If I'm attracted to a skank then I want to be going out with a skank.
I realize that people grow over time and may change but to act one way just to attract someone for a relationship then change as soon as they are in a relationship seems dishonest to me.
As a parent to a young girl I hope to be able to teach my daughter respect for herself so that she doesn't feel that she needs to degrade herself in the hopes of attracting some guys attention. 12 year olds in micro skirts annoy me.
I'm just wondering how much of this is encouraged by television? I mean just look at the anime, and we won't even get into commercials or for that matter regular TV programming!! Anime is one thing... I mean, can they draw those skirts any shorter? Oh wait... they don't have to deal with physics, it's anime so anything works in anime... laugh... and you don't have to worry about falling out of your clothing in anime... unless it's meant to be that way...but real life on the other hand...
I look at those short skirts and wonder... gee.. can they get any shorter?? shakes head... why wear a skirt that you have to constantly pull down or a shirt you have to constantly pull up to cover?? Oh well.. I guess that is the fashion nowadays... they had those skirts in the 70's... so guess it's time for them to make an appearance again...
Oh, and while everyone is ranting about clothing... what is up with bikini's?? You call that little piece of triangle adequate coverage for a swimming suit top?? Give me a break!! Obviously they aren't meant to swim in, that's for sure!! laugh... or are only meant for those model type girls who have no busts!!
there's only one thing that p!sses me off more than a girl that lets it all hang out & then gets mad when you look (ok thats a lie, pleanty of things p!ss me off -_-) & that's girls who do the above & are vain, so no matter what they KNOW you're getting naughty thoughts from seeing them.
Once I saw a lesbion (that's not an insult, her girlfriend was with her) wearing some kinda 70's or whatever flower power get up bull crap, but her chest was huge. I was wondering about how shitty her tastes in clothes are when I got shown the finger...wtf? I didn't give her dirty look, nor was I staring, I was just looking at her clothes...and then stuff like that really make my temper boil..:mad:
I know what your talking about, I have had several people say shit like what are you staring at when all I did was try to read something on their shirt. As you know people or most people anyway are walking billboards so when you have a profound or funny thing on a shirt in a way that will make people want to read it then expect some people to do just that, to all you that do that: YOU ARE PATHETICALLY INSECURE!!!!
geo85 Wrote:I know what your talking about, I have had several people say shit like what are you staring at when all I did was try to read something on their shirt. As you know people or most people anyway are walking billboards so when you have a profound or funny thing on a shirt in a way that will make people want to read it then expect some people to do just that, to all you that do that: YOU ARE PATHETICALLY INSECURE!!!!
That's about the same with people who grow mohawks & then react the same when you look at them. I remember myself & someone else wanting to bitch Blight out because we misunderstood what he said & thought he'd implied that he only had a mohawk so he could tell people to fuck off when they looked at him weird.
I'm sorry, if you've got your entire face piericed up, or your hair looks like you stole it from a memeber of a shitty emo band, if I don't like it I will likely give dirty looks, & if the person is defiant to my opinion in that 'please look at/judge me so I can tell you how little a person you are compaired to me' sorta way then they're asking to loose brain matter..
The only things I can ever remember doing like that was I once wore a tear drop of blood because I won a bet & one of my buds' girlfriend was breaking up with him because of it; as another friend of ours always quoted "And you shall shed tears of scarlet" I did it to mock the guy who was getting dumpped.
Also I've walked around through Wal-Mart chewing on a colored thumb tack, not that that was of the same nature as it was often kept consealed in my mouth, but I did have a habit of displaying it, & rolling it from one side of my lips to the other; why? well I don't really know why, so I guess why not..? I like tacks & I like chewing on things..
ok, now that I think about it, I'm guilt a bit of doing the same sh!t, only not in a vain sorta way. Like with my walls; look at them; my friends say that I write the most depressing things on my walls, I'm not sure if I just hate sharing my art, or if I hate them having a better glimsp into my lifestyle, but it seems whenever tehy come over & decided to read aloud all which I've scawled they just make my art seem so dirty & meaningless.
Why do my walls say what they do? I write what I feel at that time.
Why is it in blood? It's cheaper than paint & you can erase mistakes with simple water.
Thats quite interseting. The problem is that people can not always describe a feeling they have with words or at least not in a way that would convey what they were feeling, so most things are up to the individuals interpretation and in most cases (except for family) people interpret things differently.
What I meant by family is that with my sisters and my mother we have a stong bond or connection so if ever I am recelecting a memory I dont have to say much before one of my sisters or mother am able to describe exactly what I was going to say or what memory and we can easily complete each others sentences, but I guess you could say that people are predictable, but It always amazes me when one of us does that. Does anyone else have that too?
I will give you an example, I was remebering a memory of my childhood when I was about 6 years old and it was my b-day, my older sisters bvoyfriend at the time bought me a metal toy truck with cars in the back, I said to my mother as I was remembering "I think it was my birthday, and I think Iman was there"(which was the guys name) and immediatly my mother finished what I was going to say. I had several more b-days with him there and that was all I said before she could describe what I was about to say word for word.
My brother and I used to do that all the time. I'd be thinking about something completly obsure, black holes for instance and whatever I was thinking would come out of his mouth. We had been discussing black holes in Physics, a class my little brother was not in. All of the sudden, he'd start spouting off about theories on black holes while we are driving home. It was more than a little freaky.
geo85 Wrote:I dont want to make enemys so just know I am not attacking anyone in peticular.
Whats the deal with muffin top????????????
I don't get it. Does anyone here have any incite on this matter? Do they just not have any pants that fit, or maybe they want to make their butt look good in tight jeans but dont realize that the spillage removes any attention from their ass.
I couldn't agree more! I hate to see that, it just looks so bad! In my opinion it's both due to pants that don't fit properly and a bit (many times more than just a bit) of fat that either shouldn't be there or should be hidden because it ruins a woman's body shape. I mean, I have pants like that but you don't see anything spilling when I wear them. It's true I don't have anything to spill but if I did I certainly wouldn't be wearing pants like that, just like I wouldn't show my abdomen if it was covered in fat (now that's gross)!
geo85 Wrote:But skirts though they look good but when they are of an extremly short nature atract attention of only one kind and ususally from those who you would rather not get any attention from at all.
I keep seeing young girls in ages ranging from 10-20 wearing increasingly shorter skirts. Whats worse many of them have not been told that they might find it better if they would cross their legs. I hate to see a very young girl on the bus wearing a very short skirt not crossing her legs and seeing some creep staring at her. That pisses me off. Do women really think they should have to wear short skirts to atract guys and if not do these girls want old men staring between their legs.
Am I the only one bothered here.
I dont want to sound sexest or anything so any incite from the women on this site would be nice.
I myself prefer the business look though, ya know the striped dress pants thing, classy.
I wear short skirts and only short skirts. There's a very simple reason for that, I don't like the way I look with long skirts, not to mention wearing long skirts definitely doesn't fit my personality. I don't do it because I want men to look at me although I'd be lying if I said I don't like it when men stare at my legs and/or compliment them. I wear short skirts and what I consider to be sexy (not trashy) clothes because it makes me feel sexy, because I like it. Men stare at me even when I'm wearing plain clothes, it's not about that, it's about how the clothes make me feel. It's not about my boyfriend either even if he loves the way I dress, it's about
me. And sexy clothes can be classy as well, actually those are usually the sexiest type of clothes.
It does seem to me a lot of girls out there don't know how to wear short skirts. Seating down with your legs wide open is a big no no and if you don't like to cross your legs (it's bad for health) there's nothing easier than just keeping your knees together. The same goes for walking, you can't walk as freely with a short skirt as you would with pants or long skirts, unless you want your butt to show that is.

Thanks for the info, I guess the only real solution is to get creeps to stop staring. Especially at little girls.