bummers all around... from kakoi having lost a bundle of precious memories to Blight having issues with his thieving family it seems like some evil pixie has started running through the anime forum puking on everyone.
For me misfortune has arrived in the form of a wife who says she's happier without me. She says I'm a great husband and a great father it's just that she enjoys life more when I'm not around. The good news is that she's willing to go to marriage counselling with me to work things out. The bad news is that marriage counselling costs a freakin arm and a leg.
To save my marriage I've decided to sell my anime collection. I'm not sure if selling via eBay is the best thing or what to do. I kind of want to keep things with the people here in the forum and make sure that people get some of the high demand items I have. At the same time I want to make sure I get as much as I can for my discs because I'm sure that fixing our relationship will take more than one session with a counsellor.
Best case scenario has us fixing things up and everybody a happy family again.
Worst case scenario has me trying to find funds for a lawyer to handle a divorce.
I'm still away from home at the moment (I've been stuck in a hotel for the past 2 and a half weeks) and I wont get home till Thursday so I wont be starting to part with my collection till then. Any advice from folks will be appreciated.
Sitting here in hotel by myself sucks HARD.
I don't think I've ever felt this alone before.
Wow, dude, I gotta say, yours is the worst situation by far. I can?t offer any advice, council, or words of wisdom, on account of me being inexperienced with this sort of thing, but I pray everything works out well. Selling you collection I hope will at least show her how much she means to you and that you want to put a lot of effort into fixing things. I give you my hopes for the best.
PS: lets find that damn pixie and kill'em
I'm sorry to hear that Zag; a tear goes out to you

Really sorry for you, man. Now this is prolly none of my business, but didn't your wife allow you to have extra marital affairs (I thought I saw Vicious say that somewhere. If not, sorry for the mistake)? Even if she allowed it, that prolly hurt her quite a bit. If you're bagging other chicks, stopping that would help...a lot. That's about all that I can say to help you; I'm a bit young to have ever been in this kind of situation myself. I wish you the best of luck in all of this.
DAMN man that really sucks sorry to hear that.

I hope that everything works out for you in the end man that's all I can really do and say. I wish you the best in this dark time...
i have no words to say that could help.. that just is the worst of the worst..
If you love her and like being around her then i'd try to work things out. If it seems like she really doesn't like being around you or you are having problems too i'd suggest getting a divorce early so you can keep your arm and your leg. But then again this is from a guy whos girlfriend is moving to Bismarck.

If someone finds the pixie give it a whack for me too lol.
As for the dvd collection i'd put it on the forum if you want to sell them and give like a 2 day limit for responses then list them on ebay or something. Nice of you to think of us first but there really aren't a whole lotta people that pay cash around here.
Good luck to you man.
onizuka... I realize that you have the best of intentions with your advice but I ask you politely to shut the fuck up. It's true that my wife and I have an open relationship and I have had sex with women other than her since we were married almost nine years ago. It's also a fact that if this does play a factor in the current problem that it's a pathetically small part of the overall problem we're having.
There is a reason we're looking to go to a professional to help us deal with our problems. A professional will look at all the layers of what the problem between us is before even suggesting some sort of solution. To just step up and start offering advice on our relationship after hearing some small part is the height of hubris.
To everyone else, thanks for the support. The fact that both of us are willing to work out what differences we have gives me hope. I'm going to be sad to see that big empty spot on my shelves but it will be worth it if it strengthens my relationship with my wife.
Zagatto Wrote:onizuka... I realize that you have the best of intentions with your advice but I ask you politely to shut the fuck up. It's true that my wife and I have an open relationship and I have had sex with women other than her since we were married almost nine years ago. It's also a fact that if this does play a factor in the current problem that it's a pathetically small part of the overall problem we're having.
There is a reason we're looking to go to a professional to help us deal with our problems. A professional will look at all the layers of what the problem between us is before even suggesting some sort of solution. To just step up and start offering advice on our relationship after hearing some small part is the height of hubris.
To everyone else, thanks for the support. The fact that both of us are willing to work out what differences we have gives me hope. I'm going to be sad to see that big empty spot on my shelves but it will be worth it if it strengthens my relationship with my wife.
You asked for advice.
I took what information I know about the two of you, and tried to
help . I cannot even understand how hard your situation must be for you, so sure, I'll shut up. But please realize that you asked for help; If you don't want it, don't ask. I was only trying to help; simple as that.
I'm sorry if I was unclear in my request for advice.
My wife and I have a plan regarding our relationship and only time will tell how things work out there.
The request I was after was how to get the most possible for my DVDs so I would have enough to pay for the counsellor.
Well, if you sell them to people here on the forum and they are aware of your situation, then im sure people would be willing to pay more than usual to help you out.
Zagatto Wrote:The request I was after was how to get the most possible for my DVDs so I would have enough to pay for the counsellor.
I am not sure if there are good ways. In general, ebay is the best bet. For R1, you can try your local Blockbuster or some other video stores. Ebay can be unpredictable. Sometimes, used sets can fetch you as much as the price of new ones or it can go dirt cheap. If you are selling HK, avoid listing any Adv, Funimation, or Animeigo titles as they crack down on their bootlegs.
That's tough to hear Zag. I feel sorry for you.
I might have some advice that can save you a sesion or two. Some advice they will give you is scheduel quality time. Pick a day/night in the week every week and do things together without your kid(s). Make it a point to do it EVERY week. Go to diner, go dancing, go to a movie, as long as its just the two of you. I almost guarantee that the counselor will give the same advice. You seem like someone who can express themselfs just fine and don't need a counselor for that. Try to find if that spark is still there. If its not then stop trying. Don't stay together just for the kid(s) cause they notice and it will do more damage than good (but I'm sure you already know that). I'll stop now since these are always more complex situations than people on the outside know but my experience is counselors always give this advice.
I hope that everything works out for the best.
I'd love to find that evil pixie and defecate in it's mouth.
Well, to put it bluntly: That sucks! Zagatto I'm really sorry this is happening to you. From all the conversations we've had I can tell you really love your family so I think you should do everything that you possibly can to keep it together.
When it comes to selling anime on Ebay the amount of money you can make depends on the series. Something like Ceres, Celestial Legend won't earn you a lot of money while more recent series like Last Exile are likely to be sold at a higher price. Then there's another problem, if you do a search for a series on ebay you'll realize that no matter how low the price most items on sale don't have a single bid. I suggest you spend sometime surfing ebay, trying to figure out what the best course of action is. You can also try selling your anime on amazon.