Is X an anime that gets better over time or is it one that if I don't like the first few eps I won't like the rest? I'm on the fifth episode right now and i'm bored out of my mind. I keep giving the next ep a chance because so many people like it - but it's starting to get hard to watch.
Cidien Wrote:Is X an anime that gets better over time or is it one that if I don't like the first few eps I won't like the rest? I'm on the fifth episode right now and i'm bored out of my mind. I keep giving the next ep a chance because so many people like it - but it's starting to get hard to watch.
A few months ago I would have said no, it sucks; most people I know say "X Rules!" and I say it's the stupidest anime series I've seen so far, & they say "oh, I mean the movie" -_-
Er, I didn't like the whole prophecy crap, or the whole 'oh I'll toss you around & I can jump from building to building, but hit me in the head with a baseball bat & I'll die-_-' when you have DBZ like power, then I think you should be "super human", not just a human with super powers;
that was a few months ago, my tastes have changed; & now I need to get the set back from my friend cause I want to re-watch it; although
to answer your question, nah if ya ain't into it right now, you probably aren't gonna get into any time soon.
I agree with Batz. I liked 'x' but its pretty consistent as far as the story and action goes. If you don't like it now you'll probably not like the rest. But I would give it a chance since its an above average anime and the animation is just stunning for a series. Just 19eps.*20 min. and its all over

Yep . . . I quit after the 9th episode a while ago and haven't resumed since. Maybe I should sell my dvds . . .
Personally, if I don't like a series after a few episodes, I would usually just struggle through it til the end just for the bragging rights of having seen the series and knowing what happens (if I can remember). Currently, I'm struggling to get through Legend of Himiko, and I just recently finished Samurai Girl after starting it two months ago. These two series pale in comparison to X IMO and are half the length.
Initially, I thought X was good, but after seeing the movie, I thought the series was great. Plus, my sister is not into anime but this series was one of the few I've been able to get her to watch and like.
There are also some series that I started but just could not get into. I remember that this was the case with Last Exile. A few weeks later, I gave this series a second chance and I ended up really enjoying it. Cidien, maybe that's what you should do. Currently, maybe you're just not in the right mood to watch it, or maybe fantasy is just not your genre and you should just give up now and save yourself the torture of enduring all 24 eps of X.

Maybe you're right. I know what you mean about last exile. I didn't like the series much right away and put it on the shelf for a couple days. Came back later and thought it was pretty good. I still don't see why anyone would rate it best ever though. But, still a great anime.
Just watched the first four episodes of texhnolyze I got from netflix. That show actually makes me wanna watch X lol. Thought it was going to be great but I found myself fast forwarding through 15 minutes of an episode to get to one or two plot points.
Cidien Wrote:Is X an anime that gets better over time or is it one that if I don't like the first few eps I won't like the rest? I'm on the fifth episode right now and i'm bored out of my mind. I keep giving the next ep a chance because so many people like it - but it's starting to get hard to watch.
I really like X but I can tell you you're going to keep on being bored out of your mind! :p The story's great, visually speaking it's amazing yet it's incredibly slow paced!!! I have the patience of a saint and it still managed to bore me a bit. I recommend reading the manga instead, simply because the story of the anime is rather faithfull to the manga but the manga is much more detailed and far less slow paced. I finished watching Chrno Crusade yesterday and it's the exact oposite of X. If you're looking for a fast paced series Chrno is the way to go.
Ya I have that on fansub. Watched about 4 eps so far and it seems like a pretty good series. Just got my Z Gundam R1's in the mail today so i'll be watching that for a few days heheh.
I can see how X can be boring if what you are looking for is action and lots of it. In that case, look for something like scryed. For me, #1 thing I look for in a series is character development and intricate storyline. And X is strong in those departments.
edited it all out, I re-read it & it was to rude; I clicked delete & it didn't work; so Blah.