Today has officially been one of the worst days of my life.
I have to set this story up for you guys a little bit. Fairly recently we as a family decided to expand our house. So we've had workers coming and going for about a month now. The outside is extremely close to being done. All that was/is left for them to do is shingle the new part of the house. Yesterday it rained here very hard for nearly two hours, and the rain water collected on the new part of the roof and through some freak occurrence flooded my room. Everything I own is ruined. All of my DVDs. All of my books. My television. My surround sound system. The whole shebang. Everything that I own was destroyed. Thousands of dollars worth of books alone. All of my manga is now wet paper pulp. I've been working on these collections my entire lifetime. All of it was gone in about two hours time. I still just can't believe this happened.
I am very sorry that , that happened to you- The contractor's insurance might take care of that or your homeowners insurance may take care of it. make a comprehensive list of what you have and take alot of pictures. Those shitty contractors should of put a better temporary cover on the house - every A--hole with a pickup truck thinks hes a contractor now a days, If that was my house ( i cant tell you what Id do to that b--tard ! ) hope it works out for you .
ouch... I know how part of that feels, (only part) as the roof to my room is a little weak, so one time the water came through it at night, dripping until morning. (I wasn't at home, so no one knew it was doing this) Then the next day, i come into my room, and half my manga's were all destroyed. My video player stopped working and my tv (a damn 30 inch tv just for me) kept jittering so eventually I threw it out. Now the roof has been fixed up, we did get some compensation though. Cos we live in a flat, we got money from the council flats and they gave us money covering damage.
So I suggest you try to do what puzzleguy suggested, and maybe you can get your stuff back - in time.
Sorry, and good luck

I don't know what to say,
that's a very sad/shitty story; sorry for your lost

Well, coming from someone who has been through the relatively same thing, I feel your pain. Will, insurance pay for it? And yeah, I know it's not the point, I lost a lot of things that just had sentimental value, like gifts from dead relatives. When my house burned, a couple of years ago, I lost everything I had, and I screwed out of even getting any insurance money for it. I'm really sorry this happened to you.
I'm wondering if insurance doesn't cover it if the contracters can be held responsible since it's pretty much entirely their fault. Anyone know much about those laws?
Well i do know Contracters are required to have insurance before they can even build. (Have a few contracter friends) so i am sure bring it up to them and see if there insurance will cover it.. but if they don't then i guess it would be a battle to try and get them too etc.. could be nasty.. but at least try..
The contractor already promised me that he would make everything right. There were a few things in my collection that are completely irreplaceable.
Thats good to hear on the contracter part. Least they sound like they are honest and admit when they didn't do something right.. But it still don't make up for everything you lost.
..That really sucks

kakoi_sugoi_yama Wrote:The contractor already promised me that he would make everything right. There were a few things in my collection that are completely irreplaceable.
Like what? If you don't mind me asking.
Just ask for a lotta cash for them. =P
Cidien Wrote:Like what? If you don't mind me asking.
Just ask for a lotta cash for them. =P
I don't mind at all.
The main thing that I am most upset over was something that I acquired only a week ago during the Heroes Convention. I got to meet one of my heroes (how fitting) Don Rosa. Mr. Rosa has been a favorite of mine since I can remember. He is probably most known for his Eisner award winning book chronicling Scrooge McDuck's entire life titled "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck". Anyway while I was at the convention Don Rosa drew two pieces for me. I'm not even sure how to go about describing how it feels to have one of your heroes, someone that you've idolized forever actually do something like this. It seriously changed my life forever. These two drawings quickly became my most prized possessions. I scanned them almost as soon as I got back from the convention. Here they are:
Here are a few links to check out some of his stuff:
Most of the other things I lost can at least be replaced, but these just can't. I'll probably never get another chance to see Don Rosa again. It makes me want to cry. I also lost a signed copy of The Art of Tommy Lee Edwards. If you aren't familiar with this man check out his website He is one of the most talented individuals I've ever met.
I had hundreds of japanese books that are going to be really hard to get back. Stuff that I had been collecting for years. Whole runs of Dragonball, One Piece, Love Hina, and countless other mangas. Some of this stuff took nearly three years to get to me when I ordered it the first time. Overall I lost hundreds of books, and hundreds of DVDs It just twists my stomach into knots.
I am so sorry for you. I just can't imagine if I lost everything like that

o man, that massively sucks.
sorry for ur lose, but i hope things start turning better for you.
Well...holy crap!!!....there goes the goodness of my day.
Sorry to hear about the really bad fortune. Think I'm going to be paranoid a little bit now about my own collection. I'm not sure what I'd do if something happened to it. I don't have much of a life, so I'm a little dependent on my anime to give me happiness when things don't go my way.
I sincerely hope you can get some stuff recovered through insurance and what not.