So, my one buddy who'd been asking me to write some beats for him found a program for himself, my voice met his beats & in five minutes me had first draft. Right now he's making a few first drafts & is going to go back & "re-master" but to me it's cool for the moment so thought I might ask what you guys think.
hopefully the link works -_-.
I like it. Brings back memories. I used to be a big techno/trance guy and this would work in a club.
It could use some heavy bass in the middle section although it might already be there and I just didn't hear it cause of the shitty pc speakers I have at work.

i get some message about angelfire and no direct linking :S
The beat was good, the song needs more bass though.
Thanks guys; & yeah more bass is what my buddy said too; he said he's gotta practice using the drums & sort for better bass beats.
We have two other first drafts, but all one's a little off, the voice isn't inserted correctly, which is hard to do because my mic is a pos & it doesn't have a wind guard, so when I record it has a lot of extra pops & crap. The other is just my voice covered by the beats saying "We are" over & over, then in the background I finish the line, but you can't hear it.
As to Vegeta, if you really wanna hear it:
[email protected] I can send it to ya.
We're actually gonna try to do a few songs, kinda like industrial stuff i guess; here's the lyrics so far:
I've got these scars that make up cannot hide, they are my soul's demise
For every time you walked out, (my flesh) I've ripped a bloody spout.
Your lies they breed, like the flies inside my corpse.
You make me bleed, so if I die before I wake; it's your fu*king fault!
Paper cuts, & skinned knees, nothing compares to this pain you've given me.
I have to scrap the industrail song for the moment; Sweet cheeks (my partner in techno) loved the vocals, as did all the girlies I let listen to it.
Sweet Cheeks did a remastering of Anxiety, which I've yet to hear; he also re-worked Candy coated, but then forgot to save it -_-, I have to redo the vocals for it anyways; er Anxiety still has that annoying poping noise in the vocals, but he likes it, so I can't re-do it -_-.
So, I thought I'd Share As-1d R077's newest vocal track (least till we can get a hold of Mina to sing with us:
You might have to turn up the volume to read the first to bits, I'm recording these things in pieces so that he can more easily place them into songs (so I compiled them into one very quickly & didn't worry with sound) as for the different tones & effect magnitudes, er that's the way it's supposed to be. For those of you still not able to acess files, contact me through msn.
Sweet Cheeks also did a new track with no vocals, but I don't have his permission to release it yet;
And for those of you who wonder why I'm up dating this, well because I have a habbit of running from responisbility, early this week I was considering bailing on my buddy, so I'm trying to keep the moral high, & I've never before, been able to stand the sound of my own voice, even in my past attempts to FX glaze it; soon I'll have up a website for for us & I'll no longer bother you guys