07-05-2005, 09:01 PM
Blight Wrote:Ha ha ha, thats just cute. :pSounds more perverted to me :p ... Nothing cute about guys dishing out "punishment" to boys that are minors

Blight Wrote:Ha ha ha, thats just cute. :pSounds more perverted to me :p ... Nothing cute about guys dishing out "punishment" to boys that are minors
Cidien Wrote:There is one more simple thing about baseball that makes a lotta people unable to play the sport. You can't be afraid of a hard baseball flying at your face at a hundred miles an hour lol. I know a lotta people that got hit in the head and became crappy players because they became afraid of the ball. I can definitely see how that happens. I've been hit in the head a bunch of times playing catch and i've been hit in the chin (extremely lucky I didn't shatter my jaw..) and neck while fielding. One time when I was stealing first to second the batter hit the ball and it cracked me right in the head. I was unconscious for a couple minutes. That sucked lol.Yeah, hockey's kinda gotten me used to the whole "objects flying at you" thing :p . I hardly even flinch when something hits me anymore.
Thought of that when I reread your comment about a rubber puck flying at your padded hocky men...
BTW trying out for a team and quitting before you even play... doesn't count. I could try out for a hocky team if I wanted to. Doesn't mean I know all about playing hocky and what kinda talent it takes to play just because I tried out. It's not usually very hard to make a baseball team. Just not enough people that usually want to play.
Cidien Wrote:One time when I was stealing first to second the batter hit the ball and it cracked me right in the head. I was unconscious for a couple minutes. That sucked lol.That does suck :p . I've never been knocked out for more than a few seconds, but I just got my 10th concussion, so I know what you mean. You know, they say you get stupider after each one of those you get :p ...
Cidien Wrote:That sucks, cuz that was the first of three. :p Also got knocked out trying to do a backflip with my snowboard. That one hurt. Third one coulda easily killed me. It also was on my snowboard, but it wasn't snow that knocked me out. Was riding through some trees with my friends and the edge of my board caught a rock hidden under the snow. Fell backwards and smashed my head into a tree. (I assume) Glad I was at the end of the line though lol. That coulda been messy if I was at the front lol. There really wasn't anywhere to slow down where we were because the trail was so narrow. Not something I tried to do twice lol.My attempted snowboard backflips never work either :p ...
Cidien Wrote:One time when I was stealing first to second the batter hit the ball and it cracked me right in the head. I was unconscious for a couple minutes. That sucked lol.God & his divine retribution; didn't you ever read the ten commandments?