buy it! you wont regret it. this series is on my top 3 list
awesome story.
It's in my top 20. 200 bucks even for the R1's is expensive though. But if you can't find it elsewhere go for it.
Cidien Wrote:It's in my top 20. 200 bucks even for the R1's is expensive though. But if you can't find it elsewhere go for it.
DVDPacific sells them for 127$USD which isn't that much.

No, not really. When I loaded up the page I saw $200 as the retail price and thought that was what they were selling for.
I am actually going to buy it at Reason being that, DVD Pacifics shipping on-time and all that isnt that great. From the Reviews I read about the site. And when they say 2-7 Days its actually 5-15 Days :eek: . So I rather go amazon on this one. If you guys find anything better hit me up.
jarjar111 Wrote:I am actually going to buy it at Reason being that, DVD Pacifics shipping on-time and all that isnt that great. From the Reviews I read about the site. And when they say 2-7 Days its actually 5-15 Days :eek: . So I rather go amazon on this one. If you guys find anything better hit me up.
well if you want to pay 12$USD extra because their (amazon) shipping time is better, that's up to you. better deal than DVDPacific it's going to be hard.........
You can also check ebay every couple days - will get a better deal probably if you're patient.
Geneon is going NUTS with complete sets... they're not even waiting the standard "year after the last individual volume" before releasing. It's announced within a month of the last release. What's the point of buying individual releases anymore?
Its not showing up on yet - think it said the release date is 7-19 or around their- you might want to wait for it to show up on that data base, and do a price comparison- possibly deepdiscountdvd might have it alot cheaper - keep away from dvdplanet , they are a big p.i.t.a - best of luck !
Gungrave is brill, l assumed it was some monster of the week show however, the story is deep and its plays out like some gangster flick.
Its much deeper than that.. I mean thats what I thought at first and kinda blew off the show because of the first couple of episodes. But once Harry and Brandon leave the city in the beginning it gets much better, thats my opionion anyways.
***SPOILER*** kinda - it's pretty obvious just from looking at the cover or reading a description.
Anyways, I think the show is great up until Brandon dies. Then it's just ok. If it had stayed a mob story it would probably be in my top 5.
LoL you are you right^... Well whatever I like it..