This may be nothing new to some of my fellow anime nuts, but a few good R1 deals are popping up - in all honesty Id almost always have the R1's ( unless they dont have the original Japanese included ) so here goes -- please add to this list if you have any other info ! Now and then , here and there - 7.57 + 2.98 shipping ( entire set ) - varies per day , in the past 10-29 bucks a set ( depends on set )
Bestbuy- (at the stores not the site ) assorted anime
Big Lots - still has a few titles - but limited, my store got them in on a few different dates !
Hope this helps someone- Im always looking for a good deal on something I really want , not just cheap !

$10 for now and then? I could get more than that from a pawn shop selling it which means I could order a crapload and visit all the shops. You sure that's right and they are the R1's?
Ah looks like it's going to be a rereleased brick or something. Still extremely cheap if it's an r1.
thats what i though , did a search on and its a new release scheduled for next tuesday ( they shipped out my copy yesterday ) it is a 4 disc set- with the box - which sounds right for a 13 episode version - if you know of any fantastic anime prices youd care to share let me know - love to get the R1's of good sets that are priced right , got nadescio a few months ago for 10 bucks ( think it was a price error - but they honored the sale and sent it - and then they changed the price to over 30 bucks ) i have the FX set of Now and then here and there, but a few of the episodes wont play on the Toshiba player I have- thou It plays on the computer fine - love the series so i grabbed the R1-) did that with OutlawStar also-
another good site for R1's is - usually the best price on the net for the R1's as well as domestic movies -

I traded my R1 outlaw star dvds.

Really wanted bumperboys db dvds lol. I didn't really like now and then much. It wasn't bad - but I found myself bored an awful lot. I picked up the box set for about $40 and think I sold it a few weeks later for like $30. I always seem to sell stuff on ebay for a lot less than I buy it for on ebay.
Yeeah i know what you mean - got a bunch of stuff I want to get rid of in the near future , I learned not to necessarily go after the deals on stuff I know nothing about - bought Gasaraski from rightstuf when they had there 12 days of christmas sale last winter , didnt think 29 bucks for a 8 disc set was a bad price - ( think thats what I paid ) but i really dont like Gasaraski - though it might of been alot like Eva , not even close - thou its not terrible , if i knew what is was like before hand I wouldn't of wasted my money on it- and when i buy the HK and i love it and i latter see the R1s cheap I buy them- if their cheap ! ( they play better - for the most part ) another point i dont hear much is the r1's take up more space than the HK's , some 7-8 discs sets fit on 3 disc's easily - If i had all the R1's ( instead of HK ) Id have walls of stuff - like the compactness of the HK stuff-just wish the quality was better !
P.S by the way-the new release of Now and then , here and there-- also has a coupon included for a free dvd ( you pay shipping )
I thought Gasaraki was an extremely well done anime with a cool more realistic look (not later in the anime lol) at what mech warfare could be like in the future. But I could also see how many people wouldn't like it - especially if they were looking for something like eva. I had heard that comparison made too and that person should be smacked.
As for the size issue - if you make an HK vs. R1 debate thread that's actually something almost all HK owners bring up. However as more and more sets are being released in thinpaks (FMP, Zeta Gundam) that issue I think will be less valid in the future.
rofl the last (at least i think it was the last one) HK vs R1 thread was awsome
then zag had to come and do his job by shutting it down :p
puzzleguy Wrote:P.S by the way-the new release of Now and then , here and there-- also has a coupon included for a free dvd ( you pay shipping )
Yeah did you see that coupon? What are the details of it?
vegeta76 Wrote:rofl the last (at least i think it was the last one) HK vs R1 thread was awsome
then zag had to come and do his job by shutting it down :p
Ya it was certainly interesting. This time around it would probably have to start in the flame forum lol, but nobody visits the flame forum anymore, especially since you can't see the topics anymore.
Well at the Best of the Buy, they have Gunparade March complete collection for $23.00.
I also picked up Gantz vol.1 w/artbox for $18.00. O they also released Fafner vol.1 w/artbox early there, but for $40.00

gants vol 1 with artbox only cost like 19 in the first place at best buy so that isn't that great of a deal.
What is this coupon though?
Never mind thought you said the best deals website.

The coupon is included in this set ( now and then, here and there ) -as per the net- it says ther are 12 different animes to choose from - till they run out, you pay a shipping charge of 3.99 - who knows what their offering - if anyone is interested i should be getting my set latter this week - shipped it out a few days ago - ill post it here if you like ?
Also cocernimg the HK Vs R1 - did not try to start something , and Im not against HK - just like to support the folks who bring them to the US and do the dubbing( when its more reasonable and within my means ) -some HK stuff is super , but as you already know some of it is not - so lets let sleeping dogs lie - and lets not fight the good fight over and over - we all love anime, thats why were here- .
concerning Gasaraski , i agree with Cidien - its just not my taste- well animated with an interesting twist . I just expected something different .
puzzleguy Wrote:The coupon is included in this set ( now and then, here and there ) -as per the net- it says ther are 12 different animes to choose from - till they run out, you pay a shipping charge of 3.99 - who knows what their offering - if anyone is interested i should be getting my set latter this week - shipped it out a few days ago - ill post it here if you like ?
Also cocernimg the HK Vs R1 - did not try to start something , and Im not against HK - just like to support the folks who bring them to the US and do the dubbing( when its more reasonable and within my means ) -some HK stuff is super , but as you already know some of it is not - so lets let sleeping dogs lie - and lets not fight the good fight over and over - we all love anime, thats why were here- .
concerning Gasaraski , i agree with Cidien - its just not my taste- well animated with an interesting twist . I just expected something different .
Yeah im intrested in that info
I noticed the price listed on a lotta those deals aren't what they are selling for anymore, assuming they ever sold for that price.