I just finished it like two hours ago. I have never had any contact with anything VHD before, but I know the novels are the source material for everything else done with it. I LOVED it, and I don't even like vampires at all! But the angle taken on them and the rest of the world for this story was totally freaking awesome; defiantly because of the Japanese author. I know it just came out, but is anyone else reading it/done with it? If you haven?t read it yet, and you enjoy compelling, well-paced stories filled with action and mystery, then by all means grab this book.
Blight Wrote:I just finished it like two hours ago. I have never had any contact with anything VHD before, but I know the novels are the source material for everything else done with it. I LOVED it, and I don't even like vampires at all! But the angle taken on them and the rest of the world for this story was totally freaking awesome; defiantly because of the Japanese author. I know it just came out, but is anyone else reading it/done with it? If you haven?t read it yet, and you enjoy compelling, well-paced stories filled with action and mystery, then by all means grab this book.
I looked for a copy of one of the novels like 3 years ago, & couldn't even find a fan translated type of deal. I didn't know it had been translated, but I'll certainly get to work finding a copy, less you read the japanese novel/s, then I'm screwed

Yep, been there, done that... loved it!! But then I knew I would since I'm a huge VHD fan... and Bloodlust is my all time favorite anime!! 2nd novel is already on pre-order... laugh... can't get enough of D!!
Highlight for spoiler:
Did you notice at the end of the novel that D gave his necklace to Dan to protect him from the automated defences of the castle and told him to take Doris to safety... but didn't get the necklace back, nor planned to meet up with them later to retrieve it... and then in the pre-view for the 2nd novel, it states he has the necklace on? laugh... Or did I just miss something?
First, Batz they just recently translated the book. I can't wait for the second book in August. So you aren't screwed.
Amethyst Wrote:Ok... MINOR SPOILER ALERT HERE>>>
Did you notice at the end of the novel that D gave his necklace to Dan to protect him from the automated defences of the castle and told him to take Doris to safety... but didn't get the necklace back, nor planned to meet up with them later to retrieve it... and then in the pre-view for the 2nd novel, it states he has the necklace on? laugh... Or did I just miss something?
Highlight for spoiler stuff.
Yeah, I thought the exact same thing and was like, does he have a chest of them somewhere? I also wandered if there is always going to be a damsel lol.
Blight Wrote:Highlight for spoiler stuff.
Yeah, I thought the exact same thing and was like, does he have a chest of them somewhere? I also wandered if there is always going to be a damsel lol.
Cool... secret code... laugh... you know, that's a really neat ideal... I should go back and do that...
Highlight for Spoiler Stuff.
Well I thought it mentioned he was given that by his mother or father... I think it was his father gave it to him... and then I thought like you, maybe he just makes them himself, since I don't think you could just go out and buy one... cause it said they'd tried to storm the Count's Castle on at least one occassion and couldn't get past the moat!! shrug... and yes, there always has to be some type of person that gets saved... doesn't necessarily have to be female... laugh... since in the 2nd novel preview it was the one not very bright boy he was going to help since the others were taking him into that place to torment him...
Thanks for the spoiler idea... that's cool!!