Happy 35th Birthday!!
I wish you all the best!
PS- What's with this month? I've wished HB to 4 people already! Plus 2 other last week!

Happy Birthday Zag

Hope you have a great day Zag

hey Happy Birthday Zaggy =D, you just crossed the corner that leads to the big 4-0 =D
Happy b-day man. Hope it has been good for the most part.
May I have your attention please?
May I have your attention please?
Will the real Zagatto-birthday-thread please stand up?
I repeat, will the real Zagatto birthday-thread please stand up?
We're gonna have a problem here..
This is real Zagatto-birthday-thread, yes this is the real thread
All you other Zagatto-birthday-thread are just imitating
So won't the real Zagatto-birthday-thread please stand up,
please stand up, please stand up?
[*vocal turntable: chigga chigga chigga*]
oh. yea!! happy birthday

Thanks folks.
Today was pretty good. I had to work but I got to spend the evening with my wife and daughter and we spent the evening together baking a cake and then outside playing hopscotch.
On the anime front I discovered that Wal-Mart is closing out their Initial D die cast 1/24 scale kits for $7 each. I picked up one kit to check it out and will probably get the rest tomorrow.
Thanks again everyone. I know my day doesn't sound like much but it feels great just to spend it enjoying a beautiful day with family.
hbk101 Wrote:May I have your attention please?
May I have your attention please?
Will the real Zagatto-birthday-thread please stand up?
I repeat, will the real Zagatto birthday-thread please stand up?
We're gonna have a problem here..
This is real Zagatto-birthday-thread, yes this is the real thread
All you other Zagatto-birthday-thread are just imitating
So won't the real Zagatto-birthday-thread please stand up,
please stand up, please stand up?
[*vocal turntable: chigga chigga chigga*]
oh. yea!! happy birthday 
Somebody get this boy a lollipop Stat

Hppy brthday Zag, although nobody mentionned my birthday last friday
Eversince I started school last march (after a 3 year vacation), I don`t have the time to write my reviews. I got School Rumble (AV) 2 weeks ago, and I haven't started to watch it yet.
Damn I`m pissed
Happy belated-Birthday, Zagatto!
O_O; I Missed it! WTF
Happy 35th Old man! Glad you had a nice day with your fam, shall see yah again soon..
A bit late, but happy birthday nonetheless.