I was browsing the French Dance music videos on the French part of yahoo and got to finally see the music video to Something About Us by Daft Punk. Have any of you seen this video and know what anime is used in the video
That song is from the Interstella 5555 album. All of the musics have anime videos done by Leiji Matsumoto (Queen Emeraldas, Captain Harlock, etc). Each video is part of a movie so watching all of them is a must. The movie is actually quite interesting and the animation is superb but be warned, there are no voices only music. I highly recommend it!
Andromeda18_ Wrote:but be warned, there are no voices only music. I highly recommend it!
So that whole movie has nothing but music? Sounds interesting, always wanted to check it out but never got round to it. I bet there is a mad special R2 boxset with the CD or something... Sure I saw one on cdjapan... Ooooh as soon as I get a job (hopefully next week) I might try track one down...
I used to watch some of the videos all the time when I was at the gym and I really liked them. Unfortunately only some videos were shown on tv so when the entire movie premiered in the movie theater I decided not to miss that chance and watched the entire story non-stop. The story is very cool and very easy to understand even if there are no voices and the music is cool. I mean, I'm not a very big fun of that type of music but 3 or 4 of their songs were actually great.
You can buy the English edition for £19.99 here:
or the French special edition here:
I also suggest looking for this on ebay since the price will definitely be lower.
I just took a look ad found it on DVD on yahoo it ranges in price from 11-16$ depending on what vender you order it from
The New Daft Punk Video with the Robotic Puppet!!!
the one with "Format it"
just saw it last night on [V]CD (free music channel in HK)...
is it me or is it the puppet endoskeleton of Chuckie?!?!?!?!???
AWESOME! I have to get it. I only have Interstella 5555....I love Shep! He is so friggin' awesome!! I need to watch it again. XD I love Daft Punk and I don't know whY!