Has anyone seen the series and if so did you like it? Is it something a mature anime viewer would enjoy, or somehting left for the kids and teens? Thanks.
It is an awesome epic series! However, not a lot of kids or young teenagers would appreciate it. The late teens may like it. I might be wrong.
I'm watching 12 Kingdoms at the moment and have so far seen 15 episodes (the 1st story arc). It's very good! I highly recommend it, particularly to mature viewers. A friend told me it was a bit slow paced and too much time was wasted on conversation but not only do I not think it's that slow paced as the conversation is actually quite interesting.
i've just finish he first part of he story also, i thougth it was good. yes, alot of conversations and it was a llittle slow paced. but all the more reason to understand it more better.
I enjoyed that one alot!! It had a great story and everything, and since others seem to be watching it now Ill do my best not to say any spoilers. Ill just say it gets increasingly better as the story goes on.
By the way, HI, im new to the site!!

Gemini Wrote:i've just finish he first part of he story also, i thougth it was good. yes, alot of conversations and it was a llittle slow paced. but all the more reason to understand it more better.
I've watched 8 more episodes and I'm really, really liking it now! The 2nd story arc is great! I just hope I can find out what happened to Taika. Arghhh!
thanks for the impressions...
When I was 16 I enjoyed the crap out of it. Unforunately, the HKs have such bad subtitles that you really would miss a lot of the story, so I haven't bothered to continue it. I'd definitely reccomend it, however. Really cool story, and a great change from the other crap that's coming out nowadays.
yeah, thats what ruined Wolfs rain for me...the damn HK subtitltes, or lack there of. The story might actually have been decent, but i couldnt tell trying to decifer the substiltes throughout a 26 episode series.
Wolf's Rain is awesome! Why don't you download the episodes? Not only of WR but of other series as well. The fansubs are usually very good, nothing like the HK subtitles. I've been downloading many series lately, if I like them I buy the ripped HK set or the R1 dvds.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Wolf's Rain is awesome! Why don't you download the episodes? Not only of WR but of other series as well. The fansubs are usually very good, nothing like the HK subtitles. I've been downloading many series lately, if I like them I buy the ripped HK set or the R1 dvds.
The only problem with that is most times when the anime series is licensed by R1 companies, the fansubbers stop subbing the episodes and generally remove it from being able to be downloaded... so Wolf's Rain and 12 Kingdoms is licensed.
I agree, the HK sub titles were not good with the names (Wolf's Rain & Loki, don't know about 12 Kingdoms)... that's why I traded my HK sets, and kept my fansubs, and then Tsukiko is getting the R1's... leastways with Wolf's Rain... we'll do the same for Demon Detective Loki, and I'd like to have or start a box set of 12 Kingdoms, but they don't offer a box for it... so I'm hoping when it is completed they'll offer an R1 complete set in a nice box for it... shrug... but who knows... and it depends on the cost, cause that's gonna be a lot since it's up to 10 disks already!! laugh
Amethyst Wrote:The only problem with that is most times when the anime series is licensed by R1 companies, the fansubbers stop subbing the episodes and generally remove it from being able to be downloaded... so Wolf's Rain and 12 Kingdoms is licensed.
I watched Wolf's Rain and 12 Kingdoms fansubbed and you can find them both on
http://www.boxtorrents.com. The guys at boxtorrents don't seem to care that they've been licensed. Even if the episodes couldn't be found as torrents one could always download them by using DC++ or similar software. The truth is that not all fansubbers stop subbing a series after it has been licensed otherwise you wouldn't be able to find all of the episodes even if you were using DC++ and the truth is you can.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:The truth is that not all fansubbers stop subbing a series after it has been licensed otherwise you wouldn't be able to find all of the episodes even if you were using DC++ and the truth is you can.
Not all fansubbers sub all series and some fansubbers just stop fansubbing a series period...so there are going to be times when you can't get the complete series.
Detective Academy Q comes to mind, (fansubs up to 24, complete is 45 episodes) along with Clamp School Detectives (26 episodes), School Ghost Story (?), and the very last episode of Saint Beast (6 episodes) wasn't fansubbed or readily available which was too bad since both versions of the HK on that episode you lost the sub titles for the last 5 to 10 minutes of the anime, and E's Otherwise was pulled for licensing which was too bad since epi. 20 and 21 had no audio which is at almost the end of the series. You can also add Condor Hero to that list along with Flame of Recca...
Those are just a few off the top of my "can't find them anywhere" listing... and several of those aren't licensed.
Clamp School Detectives & School Ghost Story are
NOT available on HK's, let alone R1's...and very few episodes were fansubbed... so if you or anyone else has any suggestions as to where I can finish up these particular anime, I would be interested.